Hintergrund an/aus

ST5 sighting.

8 Tag 1,036, 18:40 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

So a neat day.

We had a Military Justice, ROE, and Ethics classes today.

Luckily we had a teacher who was actually entertaining enough to not fall dead asleep listening to. Before he was Army, he was Navy. Guess what pretty patch he wore on

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Yo, Bro!

9 Tag 1,020, 16:25 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

"Yo, Bro!" is An Open Letter to the US and former Brolliance community.

Once again I start an article with the fact that I've been away for a bit. Best way I can relate my naivety or ignorance of ongoing issues or easily known facts.

So what

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Hai ku Kung Fu (Japan)

6 Tag 1,018, 16:25 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

As some of you may know I recently got out of Boot Camp at Fort Jackson. So me being myself, I found little ways to pass the time. This was one of them. Hope you like them. I … mehr »

Hai ku Kung Fu

7 Tag 1,018, 16:23 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

As some of you may know I recently got out of Boot Camp at Fort Jackson. So me being myself, I found little ways to pass the time. This was one of them. Hope you like them. I … mehr »

A decent pick up line

5 Tag 1,014, 18:48 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I heard this on NPR on the road down to Georgia two weeks ago. It was from an old Terry Gross interview with Siskel and Edgert. They played a clip from the movie Before Sunrise. Made me write down everything I could to be able to find it later,

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