Hintergrund an/aus

Classic Internet Cute

10 Tag 1,046, 16:18 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Alright, First off today I must remind you that The PROJECT ends in two days. Only two days left for the SEALS … mehr »

New Mandate.

8 Tag 1,043, 18:07 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Warning. This is mostly a brief posting with just pictures. Felt like sharing some pretty things. Or at least … mehr »

Sleeves Media Mogul Project.

17 Tag 1,042, 13:48 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear eRepublik,

In my position I am not going to be online enough for the prolonged and labor intensive passing out of items for subs and votes. My time is precious. So I have decided to go about … mehr »

My intent for a Media Mogul medal.

12 Tag 1,041, 17:10 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

My arguments for you to vote and subscribe to this paper are two fol😛 Content and Bribery.

Content: I am not as active as I once was, but I will be again. Today I received my latest Hard Worker … mehr »

Lazy Sunday

13 Tag 1,041, 05:49 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Its a lazy Sunday here at Ft. Benning. Here is picture of me climbing tower from when I was at Jackson. And yes they made us wear those stupid glasses the entire time!
[img]http://img251.[/img] … mehr »