[MDP] MDP Congressional Elections Announcement

Day 1,582, 18:55 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

^Click the banner above to access the Military Dictatorship Party website^

The MDP continues to set the pace for getting things done in eCanada. Efficient, Effective, Engaged government is taking hold!

The MDP has been at the forefront of eCanadian politics this past month. Whether it be tax changes, national security, foreign affairs, community institution reorganization, the MDP has been an active advocate for making eCanada run smoother. Things are truely getting done in eCanada.

The MDP brings it's core values, as defined by the 8 core tenets of the party, to every issue we can get involved in:

8 Tenets of the MDP

1. Voices are only meant to be heard when asked to speak or they know what there talking about
2. Leadership is pre-ordained and not open to democratic vote.
3. Failure in leadership will lead to swift punishment from the military council.
4. Congressman will operate upon the direction of the Party Dictator when ordered.
5. Taxes will be used to fund the nations military units to help them acheive maximum efficency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members.
6. Quarter will be neither asked for or given.
7. Financial security and protection of the nations funds is priority one in govt.
8. Actively pursue aggressive military campaigns upon following #7.

The MDP has identified 3 key areas we'd like to address this next congressional term.

1. National Unity

eCanada must move on from the divisive issues of the past. We need all eCanadian citizens to galvanize behind our country and present a united face to the other eRepublik nations.

2. Citizen Development and Retention

The MDP want to help develop concrete plans with the eCanadian MUs to ensure our mentorship and citizen retention programs are showing positive results. We'd also like to see work continue towards the elusive eCanada baby boom.

3. Community Development

The MDP is committed to helping the eCanadian community implement effective solutions to revamping our institutions. The Supreme Court overhaul needs to be completed. The Emporer and Speaker positions can be used more effectively. We want to see eCanada establish a firm base for future growth.

Are these issues that resonate with you? If so your vote should be for Effective, Efficient, Engaged government. Please vote MDP.

The MDP Congressional Stable

East Midlands - Sasha KammakitzJen - Congressional Presentation
Saskatchewan - ultimate523 - Congressional Presentation
Quebec - pluiedesetoile - Congressional Presentation
Newfoundland and Labrador - Connor MacLeod - Congressional Presentation
Ontario - Homer J Simpson - Congressional Presentation
Wales - osbornm - Congressional Presentation
Nova Scotia - Exmongum - Congressional Presentation
Alberta - cowboy28 - Congressional Presentation
Nunavut - ishabad - Congressional Presentation
Yukon - Lord Nukem - Congressional Presentation
North West Territories - Eric Last - Congressional Presentation
Yorkshire and Humberside - Northraider - Congressional Presentation

In game link - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/military-dictatorship-party-3372/1

Forums - http://dictatorship.forumotion.com/

MDP Policies Explained

MDP Official Manifesto

MDP Economic and Military Policy Explained

MDP Social Policy Explained

eCanadian MU Links