[MDP] Offical Manifesto | March 2012- What Has To Be Done

Day 1,568, 15:14 Published in Canada Canada by Sasha KammakitzJen

^Forum Link is image Yo^

8 Tenets of the MDP
#1-Voices are only meant to be heard when asked to speak or they know what there talking about
#2-Leadership is pre-ordained and not open to democratic vote.
#3-Failure in leadership will lead to swift punishment from the military council.
#4-Congressman will operate upon the direction of the Party Dictator when ordered.
#5-Taxes will be used to fund the nations military units to help them acheive maximum efficency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members.
#6-Quarter will be neither asked for or given.
#7-Financial security and protection of the nations funds is priority one in govt.
#8-Actively pursue aggressive military campaigns upon following #7.

After three months of developing MDP policy It is a pleasure to publish the offical Military Dictatorship Party Manifesto as of March 2012 below. This article is the accurate completeion of the previously written "What Has To Be Done" article

Official MDP Party Manifesto

Economic Policy


-income tax
kept low to provide spending money for eCanadian citizens

-import tax
Keep high to protect the countries economy

Kept low to provide spending moneyv for eCanadian citizens

-program Guidelines for national funding
guideline for the purpose to speed up decision making for programs.

- program has to have a set demographic(s)

- program has to have a set aim(s)

- estimates of the cost of program (ovarall, per partipant in program, ect)

- clear benefit(s) of the program (may be same as aim)

- proof that the program works low-scale before becoming a national program (can be a step-by-step plan)

Social Policy

-International Policy-

- Maintain good relations with our alliances through good communication and actively participating in war stratagizing.

- Stand by tenet #8 on continually pushing for agressive military campaign to help our allies and expand as much as we can maintain

Government Standpoints


-Rid abstaining in congressional voting

-Speaker of Congress-
The purpose to improve congress efficency

-Appointed by Executive

-Responisble to order congress in making decisions for solution to issues when appropiate

-Orders are absolute from the speaker to the congress

-When not ordered by the speaker, congress is free to debate and decide on issues freely

- Speaker is only answerable to the executive on whether they carry out the responsiblities as speaker

- It is power abuse if the executive dismisses the speaker on grounds of not upholding the interests of the executive.

-Goverment Committees-
Purpose for a controlled flow of government participation for every eCitizen. Upper Committee have more power than Lower committee.

-Upper (executive) committee- headed by each cabinet minister (including prime minister). They may head the upper committee for their own position. Made up of those of thier choosing. Final decisions are made when declared by committee heads.

-Lower (congressional) committee- Headed by speaker, each congress member is responsible for thier region. All residence of a region can participate however eCanadian citizens put before foreigners. Each congress member will be incharge of a section on the National forum for thier region. Final decisions are made after vote by all congress members. Speaker acts as direct communication between lower and upper commitee.

-There will be no veto power of a decision made by the lower committee by the upper committee (or prime minister). Rather a congress member may appeal directly to the upper committee through the speaker and the upper committee may decide to take the issue themselves. However this may only be done before a vote has begun (doesn't include UC).

-If an appeal is made by a congress member although the speaker did not pass it on then the speaker can be held responsible of power abuse and removed from position and the issue if finalized goes back into discussion.

Military Policy

-International Policy-

- Maintain good relations with our alliances through good communication and actively participating in war stratagizing.

- Stand by tenet #8 on continually pushing for agressive military campaign to help our allies and expand as much as we can maintain

-MU Policy-

-tenet #5- Taxes will be used to fund the nations military units to help them acheive maximum efficency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members

- mandatory audit of all public MU's

- Offer programs to private MU's

- After one major strike or three minor strikes in auditing of private MUs they will be required to become public or a change in organisational command to be eligable for funding again.

- To create a MU program that provides MU mentors.

This manifesto is what the MDP currently stand for and will push for in government. Committees within the party are planned to be set up for the party to reflect its policy and to experiment with this idea that has never happened in eRepublik before.

This manifesto will change with time not to become out-dated with national implementation of stated policies as well as social, economical and game-mechanical changes where and when appropiate.

Any questions regarding the manifesto will be answered by commented below.

In-game party link this image yo: