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Petz Inc Opens New Food Business

3 Dia 449, 20:15 Publicado em Canada Canada

After securing a loan from the Loan Shark as well as an additional sum from an unidentified backer, Petz Inc. has successfully opened a new food business, The Canadian Superstore. The new business adds to the organization's existing company, The

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Congress Stands Idle as Farmers Struggle

8 Dia 442, 11:14 Publicado em Canada Canada

Despite an active campaign to discuss the need to increase the import tax on foreign grain by congressman Petz, a lack of interest has been shown by many in congress to even actively debate the issue. This lack of discussion has slowed any efforts

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Protecting Our Farmers

6 Dia 441, 10:33 Publicado em Canada Canada

As more Canadian Companies struggle to establish themselves against foreigners in our country the time has come for the government to start helping our farmers. Although it is great to have cheap affordable food, it is being achieved at the expense

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Petz Purchases Struggling Grain Company To Help Economy

5 Dia 438, 00:40 Publicado em Canada Canada

Today Petz resigned his great job to purchase a struggling company. Petz stated, "If i have learned anything from my short time in congress, it is that we need locally owned companies making this great country stronger. By no means am I a rich

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Congressman Petz Thanks Supporters

0 Dia 433, 07:47 Publicado em Canada Canada

Today, an emotional Petz thanked his supporters, "Today I can only thank my friends, family and supporters for all the work they did getting me elected. It was a tough election but I am proud to represent the people of Manitoba and to provide

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