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Free Gold and The Canadians Who do Nothing to Achieve it

7 Dia 456, 21:03 Publicado em Canada Canada

If you are reading this article, then the question that must be asked is....Why won't you help your fellow Canadian get back the 5 gold pieces they paid to create their paper. All it takes is to subscribe to the paper in order to achieve media mogul,

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Petz Press To Expand Circulation Through Direct Contact With Other Papers

1 Dia 456, 16:50 Publicado em Canada Canada

Today, The Petz Press announced a campaign to increase the amount of subscribers of its newspaper in an attempt to conquer the 1000 subscribers level. Petz Press reporter, Question E. Mark, described the effort. "We are hoping to gain subscribers by

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Petz Campaigns in Brandon Manitoba

4 Dia 456, 16:27 Publicado em Canada Canada

Today, Congressman, Petz visited local farms in Brandon, campaigning for re-election to congress on his strong record on working for farmers. Petz declared, "I've stood up for all farmers, both here at home in Manitoba and across the nation. I'

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Petz to stand for re-election

0 Dia 451, 23:17 Publicado em Canada Canada

Today, Petz held a press conference to announce that he will run for re-election to congress. The 1-term congressman has been active in congress and led the push for an increase in important tax on grain. When asked about his reasons for seeking a

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Petz Inc Requires Workers.......

0 Dia 450, 04:26 Publicado em Canada Canada

Petz Inc and its two companies are in need of workers.....we are offering above minimum wage with increases as you work.....the more you work...the more pay you get.....we need you...canada needs is the day you go get that job and we

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