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Peace Fails Again

0 Dia 739, 18:56 Publicado em USA USA

Hungary and Serbia fail to take a single Croatian region.

Slavonia was secured by Croatia in the war versus Hungary

- Region secured

Northwest Croatia was secured by Croatia in the war versus Serbia

- Region secured


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Eagles Militia

8 Dia 684, 10:39 Publicado em USA USA

OK folks, this is a militia group for people who don't currently qualify for the regular military branches, which have upped their requirements considerably, meaning there are a lot of you out there.

Model: George Barker has a Q1 weapons company.

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My Ideas Part 1

1 Dia 677, 11:06 Publicado em USA USA

My Ideas

This is going to be a segment were I share my ideas and you can give me your take on what you think about them. I am not here for personal progress or a medal. I'm here to have a conversation with my fellow eAmericans. So … mais informações »

Depression Imminent

5 Dia 676, 10:00 Publicado em USA USA

Hopefully enough companies will get killed off by the high wages. We need to have more people looking for jobs then jobs out there. People don't understand if you keep posting the highest price for jobs and lowest price for product you find yourself

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Major Congress Bug! Everyone Is a Winner!

1 Dia 676, 07:12 Publicado em USA USA

As it was my first time running for congress I really thought I wouldn't win. When I woke up this morning with 10 new messages one of them saying ''Congratulations, you have just been elected as a congress member for /en/USA/country-administration/1

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