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Easy Fix To Economy Problems

2 Dia 768, 17:24 Publicado em USA USA

The whole problem is that owners of companies are impatient and will sell there goods at a lower price just to get their product sold. So thinking about this today I came up with one easy solution. Just how workers are locked in for 3 days when they

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Change to Congress Needed!

14 Dia 768, 13:37 Publicado em USA USA

Haven't you noticed that the game has become a big agreement fest by and large. It's pretty pathetic. There is no heated debates anymore. People are kind of just like sheep now a days. As long as they are given they're feed everyday they are happy

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Petition: Add Lightsabers

22 Dia 763, 17:38 Publicado em USA USA

Since the admins have decided that they will do anything as long as it means more money I suggest adding lightsabers. Common everyone wants them admins I'd definitely spend tons of gold on one. On top of that you can also make them overpower so even

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After Level 5

3 Dia 762, 09:35 Publicado em USA USA

Upon hitting level 5 (and for the rest of your long and fruitful eRepublik life)

Congratulations, you can now fight for our country in wars. You may want to check out a more comprehensive fight guide if you have the inclination to, but here are

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USA Wins Liaoning! Suck It Iran

8 Dia 761, 20:34 Publicado em USA USA

No doubt one of the biggest victories ever in the history of eUS military. Here is the video.

Liaoning Victory

We have dismantled Iran and Hungrey is next. We will build up our gold reserves and then

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