READeR - 5001 Days & 5001 Nights | Daily Challenge Completed - And Now What?

Day 5,773, 14:01 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran
I dedicate this article to all my eRepublik friends...


Hello dear eRepublik Citizens, hello my dear eRepublik friends!

I am one of the older players here today who still plays this game...
Perhaps you are, too...

As a recent returnee to eRepublik and a long year eRepublik player, I have to admit now that I had been living in an illusion that I still know how to play this game for the last 6 months since I returned to eRepublik. Perhaps, better to say, I used to know how to play it... Or more precisely, I used to know how to play eRepublik as it was long time ago... Now it's like a different game then it used to be...

A Trip Down the Memory Lane

I remember the old days of eRepublik, ever since the battle wall in V1...

...With epic battles at Liaoning, a.k.a. Lion King...
(Why there? For bonuses and production reasons, just like today...)

Epic Battle at Liaoning. Click on the image to see the video...

I remember times when the map of eWorld looked like this and when eSerbia and many other countries were not even on it...

eRepublik Map, Day 409

I remember the work skills points...

...I remember training with Lana, Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon...

...I remember the rebellion of the players and bans of the presidents...

Click on the link to learn more about this event...

...And hexagon battlefields in Rising (V2)...

I remember times when this game and eWorld had more than 250,000 players, when there was plenty of good articles to read and when players perhaps felt more connected... Or it's probably me, who just felt disengaged and disconnected...

Sting - It's Probably Me (Click on the image above to play the video)

I remember the time before there were divisions between the players...

Click on the image above to see the video...

...And I remember the day when they introduced D1-D4 Divisions, quite a long time ago.

I was one of the players that never played in D1, D2 or D3 division as I had been assigned D4 division on the day they introduced D1-D4. Some of you have reminded me that I am in this game longer than I thought.

How long?
Not sure exactly, but...
I looked it up... I joined eRepublik on October 31st 2009. It has been 5064 days or almost 14 years (13 years, 10 months and 11 days to be precise) since then. It took me 2 years to get my 1st Battle Hero medal, but only 2 months to start this newspapers and write my 1st eRepublik article.

READeR USeR LINKeR - 5001 Days and 5001

Today it is exactly 5001 days since my first article Tough Times on Horizon (Stižu li teška vremena?)

Since then I have published 126 newspapers articles in READeR USeR LINKeR and 9 more in READeR USeR LINKeR HR on Frankopan Ltd org, so total of 135 articles in approximately 13.5 years, so 10 per year or around 1 each month on average. (There were some more official articles written from the official newspapers of different Ministries in Egypt and perhaps Crotia and some other countries if I remember correctly... But I am not counting those...)

Wow, that's more than 13 years... A long time...
Now, the private organizations have been also long gone, as well as some players...

Some of the Players Who Left Significant Trace in My Memory

There are many players who were special in some sense and who left a significant trail in my memory... Some of them still play this game, some of them not... Of course, the list would be too long to mention them all in this article by their names, so I appologize and, please, forgive me for that...
I am sure there will be more articles to mention the others, but who comes to my mind now are players like these few...

I remember players like Lord Marlock, who started a secret counter-intelligence service of Croatia, who had newspapers Jednotipkasta Iluzija with great articles, even longer than mines...

I remember players like Jelen od Potoka, who became president of eCroatia, and then president of eIndia, a 4-time congress member in-game, later to become a 2-time congress member in real life...

I remember players who are not with us anymore...

In Memoriam

We lost friends...

Like Latifa, who I dedicated an article
My Life Is In Storage - Goodbye Latifa

Some of them we have lost in the same day... Rather tragically...

Like eTomislav, former president of eCroatia and his wife Perunika, with whom I trained and fought every day in MU BSD (Bojna za specijalna djelovanja).

I dedicate this article to all my friends in eRepublik, alive or passed away...
Dear friends, I remember you all...

My Life Is In Storage - Goodbye Latifa

Where are you, my old friends?

eRep Epitaphs

eREP R.I.P. Top List

And the game?

What has changed?

The game has changed, the way to play it has changed and the feeling of it has changed...

In the early days I remember this sense of community, when we played the game together, well organized and united. Now it seems to me that there are only pockets left where this still exists... I feel as we have dissipated as a community... Scattered around the world, but still buying tickets to defend the country... At least when it's convenient to fulfill the daily order or to fulfill the mission...

The people have mostly also changed, the old players are mostly gone, with some exceptions, of course... And I have also changed...

Why did I start playing eRepublik?

Because I like strategy games, because I didn't have much time to play games and eRepublik was taking only a few clicks per day...

And as I wrote in one of my articles...

I started that journey as an idealist thinking how we can create a better world - the eWorld, only to realize how very similar RL world and eWorld are. People are the ones who create a world and the world reflects the people who live in it. As far as we are from perfection, so far are the world and eWorld from being perfect as well. But anyway, I still have some hope that we could come to that ideal a bit closer if we try. Or at least, not to worry so much and not to take it so seriously if we don't succeed in it. Life is also like a game, isn't it?

What did I like about it?

Well, beside the gameplay mechanics itself, I liked the social component of eRepublik, chatting, talking and getting to know people. But even more than that, I liked versatility of the game and I liked writing articles for newspapers, interviewing other players, writing about the game, its mechanics, economy and war modules, writing about battles, strategies and aliances.

I liked the economic module, saving, investing and reinvesting almost all my gold into increasing, improving and optimizing the production...

Of course, I was looking forward to every new medal and (e-)living with belief that hard work pays off...

However, after many changes in the game after a 5 year long break from eRepublik and after recent changes of deleting Croatia briefly (after which Croatia is back on the map), I have been moving company production, recalculating and reevaluating economic pathways in eRepublik.


Daily Challenge Rewards - Reaching 100 Activity Points

For me, reaching 100 Activity Points in order to collect all the daily rewards, with some effort, has become a daily routine for some time already. Finding the Daily Challenge tasks which don't require too much effort or don't cause economic damage was rather streightforward.

But the questions that have been intriguing for me were...

What is hiding behind completing all the daily tasks?
Can I do it at all?
How does it look like?
What happens next?
And is it worth it?

So, to answer those questions, I had to try to complete it, no matter what others said against it and what my experience, logic, my common and thrifty sense were telling me... I had to do it and see it myself.

So, yes, I can do it.

And if you still wandered how it looks like when you complete all daily missions from a Daily Challenge, here it is:

What happens next?


That was a bit dissapointing...

Rockyrd wrote about completing his daily challenge in his article Daily Challenge Completed as well and was also disappointed.

I have expected at least some animation or a symbolic reward as the cherry on top...

And now what?


I mean, you got your daily total of 177 activity points and 531 prestige points. You are a bit closer to a Prestige Hunter medal... Perhaps... If you manage to get it...

And is it worth it?

Of course, some Daily Challenge tasks have negative side effects and don't make economic sense at all... So I mostly have been skipping them as it was counterproductive to lose money on producing Aricraft Raw Material and House Raw Material, at least with current wages and Raw Material prices....
So it's not worth it per se from the economical point of view, at least...
Anyway, that was easy to determine. It's not worthy...

Or...? Is it...?

To check if it's worth it or not, I created a little tiny table with all the data, including the cost estimations and calculations, at least for what it's worth it to me...

Here you can see for each Daily Challenge task what are it's costs and/or benefits, which tasks make you money and which ones make you lose it.

Click on the image above to open it and see it enlarged.

Some daily tasks can be quite costly, some don't cost you a thing and some are quite profitable. Overall, even it you do them all, you could still be 10,000 CC (or 10 gold) in plus... If you don't overdo with creating rockets, producing aircraft and house raw materials. Yes, the prices of raw materials, final products and wages can vary and the currency rates can oscilate compared to gold, but this is the date according to my current calculations and estimates. If you think something is not clear or that there are mistakes, feel free to point it out in the comment section. I'll be glad to discuss it with you and hopefully we clear things out...

So, is it worthy? Actually it depends, but yes, it could be.

And if you look at a Daily Challenge as part of the Weekly Challenge, then it might all perhaps make more sense...

There are those Prestige Points and I haven't taken them into account...
What are they for? And what are they good for?
OK, collecting these Prestige Points (or PPs how they call them) can help you get some items that might help, but these items and PP thresholds to reach them seem so far in between... Still, collecting a Factory Reset point or two here and there, or getting more energy or traveling tickets or a storage, they all have their economic value...

But that's for another story. The story about the Weekly Challenge...


[AREA 52] Short history of eRepublik (by Mr Dalibor)

eRepublik History (old maps)

One: Experience points

One: Battlefield

Rising: Military_tutorial

Rising: Training grounds (V2)

13 years + Lana story

eRepublik world map - day 409 updated

Portal: Serbia

2 Years in eRepublik and My 1st Battle Hero Medal