2 Years in eRepublik and My 1st Battle Hero Medal

Day 1,440, 07:47 Published in Egypt Croatia by Janko Fran

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2 Years in eRepublik and My 1st Battle Hero Medal

In this article I reflect shortly on my 2 years in eRepublik and give some tips on how to win a battle hero medal.

What is eRepublik?!

The other night I was chatting on #eEgypt channel with a friend of mine (Hello, Alima1988!), when FreeSpirit appeared asking about Egypt country organization. I explained to him eEgypt eRepublik situation, just to realize that he is asking about RL Egypt and that he found about this IRC channel when looking for some chatrooms about Egypt. OK, I have a bit less certainty on how will things delelop in that country IRL, so I told him that I can referr him to some RL Egyptians in eRepublik. "What is eRepublik?", he asked me. I was very surprised to hear that question on eRepublik IRC channel, but I guess I managed it without a problem. "Well", I said, "It is a simplified simulation of the world, a kind of social experiment and an online game. You might like it. Here is my referral link:
Join in and I'll guide you through it.

So I got a new friend who joined eRepublik and I help him climbing through levels, avoiding common mistakes and helping when needed. In return I could finaly finish my El Dorado Search Mission:

You can also add him as a friend, his ingame nick is FreeSpring (FreeSpirit and Free Spririt vere already taken), if you are from RL eEgypt, even better, you'll have at least one common topic to discuss.

All this reminded me on my beginning in eRep and now I think it is a good time to take a look back down the memory lane and sum it all up in short.

Two Years in eRepublik

My e-birthday was on October 31st, 2009. Tomorrow will be exactly 2 years since I joined eRepublik. I started that journey as an idealist thinking how we can create a better world - the eWorld, only to realize how very similar RL world and eWorld are. People are the ones who create a world and the world reflects the people who live in it. As far we are from perfection so far are the world and eWorld from being perfect as well. But anyway, I still have some hope that we could come to that ideal a bit closer if we try. Or at least, not to worry so much and not to take it so seriously if we don't succeed in it. Life is also like a game, isn't it?

Anyway, after almost two years I have made over 2300 friends, and gathered 2030 faithful subscribers and READeRs of my newspapers. Last night I also earned my first Battle Hero medal:

How to Win a Battle Hero Medal

I'll tell you how to win a Battle Hero Medal in a nice polite way. After recent changes by Admin team, when they introduced 10 k bazookas and receiving one, plus a candy bar, for following your military unit battle orders and eliminating 25 enemies in a battle, now Battle Hero hunting season is officially open for every player, not only the richest ones and the strongest ones.

However, there are some rules and tips which can help you win a Battle Hero medal easier and with less frustrations for everybody involved. If you prepare well, you will probably get it cheaper and with less stress.

Step 1: Collecting equipment.
Spend at least 20 days collecting Bazooka parts, Bazookas and Energy bars for following MU battle orders until you collect at least 20 candy bars and 20 bazookas or bazooka parts enough to assemble 20 bazookas. Ideally would be to collect 40-60 bazookas if you aim to collect Campaign Hero as well. It would be wise to do a CH medal hunt while you are already in BH hunt. If possible, get some Q5 weapons as well, in order to be on the safer side, just in case. I bougth 100 Q5 weapons.

Step 2: Chosing Time and Place for the Battle.
These steps need to be taken simultaneously.
Step 2a: Chosing Time
It is very important to know when and where to engage in the battle. Since eWorld is mostly concentrated in European time zones, try to chose time when activity in Europe is low. However, you might consider when is the prime time in America (USA, Brazil, Canada...) in order to avoid it as well. My suggestion would be sometime between 18:00-20:00 eRep time. If you are going for a CH medal as well, you might consider to engage in first mini-battle if possible. That will give you enough time to refill your health before the battle ends and it will put you in superior position comparing to the others who started battle hero hunting in later mini-battles. (I assume that you have 600 health capacity.) If you are going for a CH medal and you hit massively in the 1st round, you can hit again in round 7. Howevery, in this case it is probable that you would have to adapt and not avoid prime times entirely, because usually battles start before prime times, so you will have to make bigger influence. But it will be worth it if you can take 2 BH medals, and you could get a CH medal for free or for a bit more influence. (Usually for CH medal it is needed at least 1 million influence, average is around 1.8 million, but you can do with 1.2-1.6 million or less, sometimes even with around 800 k, but that is not so often). If you are only going for a BH medal, you will probably wait for some later round, in example the 6th round, when the big guys have done their part of work.

Step 2b: Chosing Place
When it comes to chosing a place, you could have two options;

1st: Chose distant exotic countries and unimportant regions, it could easen your competition. However, with many people in BH hunt, such places are rare because Battle Hero hunters are everywhere around us and in everyone of us. 😉

2n😛 Chose familiar ground, where you feel confortable. This way, you can fight for your country and you can talk to your countrymen and allies on your country channel, so you can arrange in which mini-battle you will fight for your country and a BH medal, and which mini-battles (and BH medals) you will leave to your fellow countrymen and allies. Of course, surprises are always possible, but this should minimize them as much as possible.

For instance, as I e-live in eEgypt, I have chosen RW battle in Western Desert (on eEgyptian side, of course), round 6:

Step 3: Coordination
Inform others about your intentions in order for them to know that you are on a BH hunting path for a specified mini-battle in the specified battle/region. You can inform them through IRC and on your profile. Noone likes too much competition and BH hunting is an expensive sport. If you or them lose a BH medal and a lots of equipment, it will leave bitter taste. If you are in top 5 by influence made, your competition will probably check you out and see your profile if they are serious (or not too arogant and selfconfident). So, it's wiser to agree on such things and come to an understanding.

You might also chose to do a sneaky ambush BH hunt attack, but it might hit you in the face next time when you try that again, when you encounter with someone who will hold a grudge on you if you have took a BH medal in front of his/her nose earlier...

Step 4: Massive hitting
Make sure that your health is on max and that your health recovery capacity is full or very close to it. Start hitting early in the round and do around 400 k influence (at least more than in some other current battle in order to minimize a chance that some other BH hunter will see this mini-battle as a good opportunity for a cheap BH medal. Rather, let him do the math and chose another battle. If you hit early in the round, you'll have another 100 health available at the end of the round.

Step 5: Waiting
This one is the simplest, but the hardest. You don't have to do anything but to be online and monitor the battle stats, messages and IRC chat.
If you are going for a CH medal, then you should also visit Battle Watcher, which calculates total influence for all players pretending for a CH medal.

Step 6: Finalization
Be careful, these stats have some delay time, so if you see someone is getting closer to you by influence made, hit some more as the timer counts down toward the end of the battle. You don't want someone to take your BH medal in front of your nose.

Step 7: Collect the Medal
Congratulations! If it is a rare event in your e-life, make a nice screenshot when you earn your BH medal, announce it to your friends and celebrate with them. If you managed to take 2 BH medals in the battle, then you probably took also a Campaign Medal. Congratulations once again! If your country won, the whole country can celebrate with you!

eEgypt won round 6 and Janko Fran won his first BH medal.
eEgypt later won that whole RW battle. Click on the image to see more data.

I have decided to put 5 gold from my first BH medal to the fund for Economic Development of eEgypt. It will be used to help some young player to start a Food Company or to upgrade a company during the next 50 % discount on upgrade promotion period. However, I hope that I wouldn't need to wait for so long. You can read more about the project in the article: EDIT | Egyptian Business Startup Project 1 [MCIT Edition]. All young eEgyptian players are welcome to apply, and some older as well if they meet requirements.


I would like to thank Ghostbiker for donating 2.5 gold from his BH medal for the same cause; to help Economic Development of eEgypt.

I would also like to invite other strong players to contribute development of young players all over the eWorld.

My First Battle Hero Medal in 2 Years

During these two years, I am aware of the fact, that I have spammed you a lot of times with my article anouncements. So now it's your turn. Now you can spam me with your comments.

My first BH in two years:
Please, leave a comment.

So far, so goo😛
9 comments, 34 votes

But I know you can do better, perhaps after two years we set some more new records. Should we shout it, perhaps?

Janko Fran's first BH in two years:
Please, leave a comment, spam Janko. 😉

At least here in the newspapers under Social interactions and entertainment section it is allowed to spam... So, leave a comment at least here and ad me as your friend, if by any chance we already are not friends... But that's not very likely.

Sincerely yours,
Janko Fran