How Much is it Worth it? - Daily Challenge Tasks Profitability

Day 5,776, 12:32 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran

Daily Challenge Rewards - Reaching 100 Activity Points

For me, reaching 100 Activity Points in order to collect all the daily rewards, with some effort, has become a daily routine for some time already. Finding the Daily Challenge tasks which don't require too much effort or don't cause economic damage was rather streightforward.

The complete list of Daily Challenge awards, missions and total points collected is on the official eRepublik Wiki page on Daily Challenge, however it doesn't offer any tips on how to get them easier and which ones and how many we could or should do and whether it is worth it...

Our dear Rabbit of Caerbannog gives a really good Daily Challenge overview with tips on how to efficiently collect 100 Activity Points and collect the daily rewards in her article:
[eRep Update] Introducing the Daily Challenge.

And kisborok gives a basic overview of Daily Challenge rewards in his article 🗳Daily challenge - Te meddig szoktál naponta eljutni? (🗳Daily challenge - How far do you usually go every day?)

But the questions that have been intriguing me for lately were...

Should I Go All the Way?

What is hiding behind completing all the daily tasks?
Can I do it at all?
How does it look like?
What happens next?
And is it worth it?

So, to answer those questions, I had to try to complete it, no matter what others said against it and what my experience, logic, my common and thrifty sense were telling me... I had to do it and see it myself.

Can I do it at all?

Yes, I can!

How does it look like?

And if you still wandered how it looks like when you complete all daily missions from a Daily Challenge, here it is:

What happens next?


That was a bit dissapointing...

Rockyrd wrote about completing his daily challenge in his article Daily Challenge Completed as well and was also disappointed.

I have expected at least some animation or a symbolic reward as the cherry on top...

And now what?


I mean, yay, amazing news!

You got your daily total of 177 activity points and 531 prestige points. You are a bit closer to a Prestige Hunter medal... Perhaps... If you manage to get it... Can you?

And is it worth it?

Of course, some Daily Challenge tasks have negative side effects and don't make economic sense at all... So I mostly have been skipping them as it was counterproductive to lose money on producing Aricraft Raw Material and House Raw Material, at least with current wages and Raw Material prices....
So it's not worth it per se from the economical point of view, at least...
Anyway, that was easy to determine. It's not worthy...

Or...? Is it...?

To check if it's worth it or not, I created a little tiny table with all the data, including the cost estimations and calculations, at least for what it's worth it to me...

Here you can see for each Daily Challenge task what are it's costs and/or benefits, which tasks make you money and which ones make you lose it.

Daily Challenge Tasks Profitability.
Click on the image above to open it and see it enlarged.

Some daily tasks can be quite costly, some don't cost you a thing and some are quite profitable. Overall, even it you do them all, you could still be 10,000 CC (or 10 gold) in plus... If you don't overdo with creating rockets, producing aircraft and house raw materials. Yes, the prices of raw materials, final products and wages can vary and the currency rates can oscilate compared to gold, but this is the data according to my current calculations and estimates. If you think something is not clear or that there are mistakes, feel free to point it out in the comment section. I'll be glad to discuss it with you and hopefully we clear things out...

So, is it worthy? Actually it depends, but yes, it is, or at least it could be.

Here is another, also detailed article on Daily Challange by OEBernd, the Minister of Education of eAustria. He gives an interesting view on this topic as well as some tips for (new) players.

In the comments one of the interesting suggestions was to use a Q1 Rocket factory to produce a Rocket for a price of (10 x Q1-Q6 Wep) and use it as a special weapon in fight to win the task Fight with a Special Weapon. However, Bazookas should also fall into the category of Special Weapons, or?
Unfortunately, that doesn't count for the Daily Challenge...

And if you look at a Daily Challenge as part of the Weekly Challenge, then it might all perhaps make more sense...

There are those Prestige Points and I haven't taken them into account...
What are they for? And what are they good for?

OK, collecting these Prestige Points (or PPs how they call them) can help you get some items that might be useful and worth something, but these items and PP thresholds to reach them seem so far in between... Still, collecting a Factory Reset point or two here and there, or getting more energy or traveling tickets or a storage, they all have their economic value...

But that's for another story. The story about the Weekly Challenge...

Economy of Energy Consumption

So how much will the Daily Challenge cost you energy-wise?

All together it would cost you 1000 Energy points in order to complete it as one of the tasks is Consume 1000 Energy. All the tasks together, including that one, can be completed within that energy consumption amount.

If you are in a Weekly Challenge rat race, then you might think twice before entering a regular battle vs waiting for an Epic battle in order to get a few more Prestige Points. However, that can feel like waiting for the rain in the middle of a desert. And if your Energy Pool is full, then you need to spend some energy at least. And then you'll or at least you should think twice where to spend it. Are you going to spend your energy in production to reduce consumption as it is huge and expensive or in fight for another Prestige Point... So you might want to optimize your energy consumption.

When doing calculations for Daily and Weekly Challenge Energy consumption, how much Energy should you count was spent for getting these 531 PP from Daily Challenge?

1000 Energy will come eventually with participating in fights and work and fulfilling other Daily Challenge missions, so that's too much to calculate with, so you could disregard this 1000 Energy.

Other Misc Daily Challenge Missions, that is Travel, Buy products, Exchange currency won't spend any of your energy. The Missions to Work as an Employee Manager also won't cost you anything in terms of consuming your Energy.

Missions to Train will cost you up to 40 Energy.

Missions to Work as a Manager in your companies should cost you between 80 and 120 Energy, depending on the quality of your companies, your regions and their bonuses. If it costs you more, then you should question your companies profitability.

Missions to fight should cost you 250 Energy, but you'll get extra Prestige Points anyway for participating in the fights plus some from these Daily Missions, so it doesn't cost you anything extra energy-wise.

So the extra opportunity costs of all the daily missions from a Daily Challenge outside of fighting would actually be from 120 to 160 Energy points for 531 Prestige Point. That's pretty good PP/E conversion ratio ranging from 4.4 to 3.3.

If you compare it with fighting, for which the ratio PP/E are:
0.1 for fighting in a regular battle without PP boosters.
0.2 for fighting in an epic battle without PP boosters or fighting in a regular battle with PP booster.
0.3 for fighting in an epic battle with PP boosters.

So it should be worthy to complete the Daily Missions fully, all the way, for 531 Prestige Points, at least energy-wise.

Macroeconomic Impacts

Some predictions on the macroeconomic impact of introducing daily challenges have been given by other players as well...

Don Croata in his Dutch edition of Fog of War article
[FoW] Daily Challenge Impacts and The Lord of Shade in his Spanish published article Posibles consecuencias eEconómicas de las nuevas misiones diarias en eRepublik (Possible eEconomic consequences of the new daily missions in eRepublik) try to predict the macroeconomic impacts of introducing Daily challenges.

Don Croata basically predicte😛

Rewards and requirements combined will cause several things that will affect the job market, monetary market and production profitability as well. Newly gained raw materials will most likely be put on the market, which will cause raw material price to go down. That will make producing more profitable. However, the added currency will make the worth of money less, which means 1 gold will probably be worth more than it is now. Not by much though. Gained extra profits from cheaper raw materials will be anulated by the inflation.

On the other hand, considering that many new players will be placing job offers I’m expecting wages to be higher soon, that means that profitability in the companies will be anulated by this change. Since employing workers actually brings lots of points wages could be increased for 10-20% in a short time. This increasement will probably be less in a long term. There are also an extra overtime points which means more money for an average Joe as well. Seems that the biggest change will be with the amount of money in the game.

It's interesting to notice that Don Croata's predictions have been basically paraphrased by the Department of Citizen Affairs in their article [DoE] Daily Challenge and Housing Program[/url] written by Harvey R Specter:

The combined rewards and requirements will cause various things that will affect the labor market, the money market and the profitability of production as well. Newly purchased raw materials are likely to be put on the market, which will cause the raw material price to fall. This will make production more profitable. However, the added cc will decrease the value of money, which means 1 gold is likely to be worth more than it is now. Not much though. Extra profits from cheaper raw materials will be offset by inflation.

On the other hand, considering that many new players will be making job offers, we expect salaries to be higher soon, this means that the profitability of companies will be nullified by this change. As employing workers really brings a lot of points, wages can be increased by 10-20% in no time. This increase is likely to be smaller in the long run. There are also extra overtime points, which means more money for an average employer. It looks like the biggest change will be with the amount of money in the game.

Their predictions seem to have been pretty accurate and have turned mostly true.

The Lord of Shadow predicted the following:

1. Daily Rewards of up to 1500 CC

This could increase eInflation, but between roulette and other mechanisms to get cc out of the game, along with other prizes that involve more products, it will probably balance out.

2. Daily Rewards of up to 25 Food Raw Material and 25 Weapon Raw Material

On the other hand we have the RAW, which if it is for food or weapons could lower the profitability of the factories, but little else. It will probably go down, leading to them becoming less profitable, while the profitability of weapons and food factories increases.

3. Daily Rewards of 1 House and 1 Aircraft RAW Material

And this would also bring down the price of houses and q5 of air.

4. 5 Overtime Hours.

Now 5 extra hours would be added every day, 13%. This will push wages down and will also lower the price of houses and air.

Will this make q5 arms companies more profitable? I don't believe it. The general price would drop, but the profitability of the air companies would be the same, once prices stabilized.

In conclusion, the effects of the economic awards that it seems will begin to occur tomorrow could turn around the eEconomy, especially in sectors highly dependent on work, changing profitability in the medium term.

What do I think?

Well, I'd say The Lord of Shadow was mostly right... However...

1. Adding more currency to the game has caused its depreciation toward gold, rathen than inflation, since the number of players since the time article had been written (40000 worldwide) decreased to less than 35000 players today so the demand dropped and so did the prices of products...

2. Daily Rewards of up to 25 Food Raw Material and 25 Weapon Raw Material

The Mass Food Raw Material production is dead, as the profitability is negative. The value of the produced Food Raw material is less than income tax of 1% for Work as Manager.

Most players who are keeping some Food Raw Materials production in the game only to fulfill the Daily Challenge rewards, even with a loss. Weekly Challenge punishes Food and Weapons production as it incentivizes collecting prestige points in fights, which don't get awarded by production beyond the Daily Challenge tasks, at least. The only thing that could revive the Food Raw Material production would be to let the governments lower the possible income tax to 0%, which at the moment the game mechanics doesn't let to do.

And giving away Weapon Raw Material is lowering the profitability of WRM production. The value of the WRM produced is still higher than the income tax, but the income and import taxes eat more than half of its value, even when set to 1%.

3. Daily Rewards of 1 House and 1 Aircraft RAW Material

Yes, this should bring the prices of HRM, ARM, and then consequently prices of Houses and Aircraft Weapons down, but that's insignificant.

HRM and ARM production is almost nonexistant as the price of the corrseponding Raw Materials is still too high and the profitability is negative and almost non-existant. Not even the Daily Challenge helps to compensate for that.
If there are going to be any changes in the game, I would suggest to drop the possible minimum income tax to 0% and let the governments and players decide on it as currently the governments are not getting almost anything as 50% of zero production is still zero. 0% income tax could bring back the profitability of production to the positive side.
Further, I would suggest to decrease the amount of given FRM in Daily Challenge rewards and increase the amount of given HRM and ARM materials as the profitability of HRM and ARM production is negative, Houses are unaffordable and Aircraft Weapon trade is basically almost nonexistant as it's much too expensive compared to Weapons used in ground battles.

4. Overtime Hours

OK, I think The Lord of Shade was right, however I feel this might be relatively well balanced... Feel free to keep them at the current level...

5. Prestige, Damage accelerator and 1 fuel (7 per week)

Prestige, Damage accelerator and fuel would increase fight engagement and participation in the Weekly Challenge and decrease the production in general, raising the prices when players engage more in a Weekly Challenge, but long term, without the production, Weekly Challenge engagment in unsustainable, so I expect drop in the production initially, then drop in the Weekly Challenge engagement in the longer term, unless the developers do something about this...


Daily Challange

[eRep Update] Introducing the Daily Challenge