eReupblik Today: In 2 Minutes Or Less

Day 909, 23:05 Published in Canada USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:30 ERT on May 17, 2010 - Day 909

International|Domestic|Glossary of Terms

Au Revoir, Canada Edition!

International News
Slovenia's land bridge begins to crumble

-Poland successfully took Moravia from Slovakia, giving itself a border with Slovenia. Using the new border, they attacked Slovakia at Western Slovakia (which borders Hungary) and Slovenia at Lower Austria (the beginning of the land-bridge). I assume that Poland will continue to march up Slovenia's land-bridge to the Rhone Alps. Austria has attacked the middle of Slovenia's land-bridge to cut the bridge before Poland can get across.

-Croatia continues to attack Hungary, this time at Southern Great Plain. Yesterday's attack on Southern Transdanubia failed.

-Croatia also continues to block Slovenia.

-Romania attacked Serbia at Vidin, though with Serbia's massive active MPP stack to Romania's 0 MPPs, it has little chance of succeeding.

-Japan continues to roll in South Korea, successfully defending itself against resistance wars while taking three new territories and attacking two more.

Article Roundup:

NXNW - An Open Letter to Indonesian Leadership

Domestic (US) News
Fingerguns pew pew pewed my heart

-Talented writer Gulden Draak talks about the legacies of Woxan, OneEye, and Emerick.

-I'm at least a platonic friend of Fingerguns! \o/

-The Welcoming Committee is looking for a helping hand.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

And with that, I say good bye to Canada for now. Thank you for humoring me in your Media, you are as brotastic as ever. I'll continue to write my international format, but I'll write it elsewhere.

~Mr. –

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