Legacies Never Die

Day 909, 11:53 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

Grab your snack because it is story time:

After drinking my nightcap (scotch on the rocks) I fell into a deep sleep. I then began to dream and it was a dream that taught me many a great thing. Since I am not a douche I will share my dream and knowledge with you. The following is an account of my dream in its entirety:

I am awakened by a man overweight and very old. Startled I asked him that the hell he was doing. He informed me that I was trapped in a building and that my only means of escape was to listen to three different teachers impart their knowledge upon me. Since I had no other choice I accepted his offer and made my way into a room where the first speaker was located.

Once I entered the room I met my teacher who only had one eye. This scared me at first but he was very kind so I overcame my fear of him very shortly. I took my seat and my lesson began. This teacher taught me for hours about the fundamentals and advanced topics in economics. He taught me the fundamental rule of economics that he was greater than stuff which was greater that gold . I was confused at first but he explained and it made sense. Everything this man taught me about economics made sense . I was very stubborn and unbelieving at times. However, the man was very patient and unrelenting. He answered every question I had. Once I understood the basics of economics this man disappeared. It was now time for my next teacher.

I entered the next room and saw the teacher behind his desk. He appeared to be a very mysterious fellow. There was a name tag on his desk and while I could not make out the first word the last two words read is great . This teacher also had a patch on his shirt. The patch was a circle made up of four equal portions inside the circle. From this teacher I learned many things. I learned the ability to write and publish good articles. He also told me that in most situations there is always a bigger plan in place and while I may not understand these plans I need to trust that it will work out. Finally he told me a story of a country that was under invasion and was down to only its last region before being totally conquered. This country fought back and eventually took back all the regions. He then informed me that he was the one who led this comeback. This taught me that while you may be down unless you are completely stupid you will never be out . After telling me this story he to disappeared and it was now time for my final teacher.

I entered the next room which was thick with cigarette smoke and at first I could not even see my next teacher. However, as I moved closer I saw him. He wore a mask and I did not see his face for the entire time that I was in the room. This teacher taught me about foreign relations and the complexity of an entire world made up of many different people and languages. This man was a foreign policy master . He was able to deal with several different countries while keeping his own safe. For hours he lectured me on the policies of any country I asked about. It was clear that he had put a great deal of time into understanding the global complexities of a large world. After I learned all I could about foreign policy he to disappeared and then I awoke.

In case you are completely oblivious the three teachers were One Eye, Emerick, and Woxan. All three of these players are no longer playing the game at least on-site. I did not really have this dream it was merely how I choose to express this lesson to you. So what is the lesson? The lesson is that no great leader ever leaves the game. While their citizen profile may die we still have their ideas, newspaper articles, and forum posts. We should not wallow in sadness that these players have left but rather we should be grateful that they were here long enough to impart knowledge to us. It is now up to us, those left behind, to continue their legacy and ideas. They may not impart new knowledge on us but we have to use what they have left behind. While a citizen profile may die legacies never die.

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak