Congress time again

Day 825, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

To resident of the North West

I am applying to be in congress for a fifth term again in the North West region. I am happy to announce that this term i am planning to start up the City council again, mainly to move you all to London as it is our only Q5 region and a good fortress region.

What are my main plans for this term

Bring all active players in the NW to london
Get all active players onto the forums

Get more players involved in ministry positions like in the MoW by getting more players on the Forum and IRC

Phoenix we need to support until the end. We have recently signed a controversial peace treaty with EDEN and we have lost public support from some Phoenix players. We need to regain this. Phoenix is currently in the process of attempting to get France and Germany back. This is a must for the UK to regain her friends especially as we are surrounded by EDEN nations
EDEN although an enemy of Phoenix i do not believe that we are at any threat after the failed invasion of the UK. The best thing we can do is support our allies in Phoenix.
Northern Ireland is currently under Irish control and i believe this needs to belong to Britain as it has done since the start of the game.

I am yet again running under The Unity Party which is very nice of Iain Keers to allow me to run again. If you have not noticed i will be running for the Part President position this term.
Last term i achieved the highest amount of votes in the north west, i hope to do the same again on the 25th. This was a double victory for TUP because we also got jamesw to move over from UKRP so we achieved two players elected in the NW. I wish him all the best with congress this term, as i do all TUP players.

Congratulations to Iain Keers for another great month as Party President
With the loss of many regions it has been difficult with the loss of members and voters in all party's.
Iain Keers Party President and long time friend
"I know James quite well, as he has been a member of my party for a long time. Born in March, he has always been a plain speaking honest Member of Parliament. He isn’t here to bore you with long rhetorical speeches; we have enough people around who can do that! No, he’s here for representation, and honesty. If you want someone who will go into parliament and say what he feels and make his points heard then he is the man for you. His 900+ subscribers mean that his views will be well heard as well, which is important for a regional representative."

A list of thing i have done
British Patriot -16th
Hard Worker-8
Super Solder-4
Battle Hero's-3
uMoW-1-British Gifting Hub
ex Special Forces-thanks for the great times
HMS Westminster
Forum/IRC active
ex Ambassador to USA/UNL/Belgium
British Media Alliance President-Telegraph, over 900 subs - join and help me to get MM, I hope to bring you many new and exciting news articles.
Please help out PHOENIX and her member's

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date with country's goings on:
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Newspaper Association

New Player's Guide

James Glover

Please vote for me - it's my birthday this month