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Creating a Positive Political Atmosphere

13 Ден 1,742, 22:45 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

In the midst of the political divide and debate at the moment, while people bash each other let me tell you why I respect and admire Clan Wolf.

Clan Wolf, was started as a safe haven for two-clickers who wanted some political involvement. People

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Winter is Coming? (A Poem)

33 Ден 1,740, 22:22 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Winter is Coming! Or so he says...
I will be CP! To the people, he says...
What makes him so sure?
What makes him so right?
How can he foresee what comes this night?

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A Progressive Future: A CPF Platform

5 Ден 1,739, 21:46 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Nation, for far too long our country has suffered a great moral and oral decay, in spirit and incisors. Too long have we let the jaws … прочети повече »


10 Ден 1,735, 23:06 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Dear Canada,

I am sorry for the irresponsibility and ineptitude of this Congress. You voted them as your representatives in government. From … прочети повече »

Congressional Update: War and Taxes

8 Ден 1,735, 21:01 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Why hello, I didn’t see you there. While I have your attention, let me inform you about the actions Congress has taken in … прочети повече »