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Campaign Roundup: A Thank You

20 Ден 1,752, 07:17 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Well, as you can see, this September CP Campaign season has come to a close. Wally Cleaver has officially been voted as our CP for this month. Congrats to him! I hope that he is able to lead this country in the right direction, leaving Canada better

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[EPD4CP] The Cabinet

21 Ден 1,750, 16:27 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

While my campaign platform is detailed, ambitious, and has much on its to-do list, I could not possibly try to do everything on my own. This endeavor requires a team effort. I decided that my cabinet should have experienced members who will be able

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Open Your Eyes

14 Ден 1,748, 13:43 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи


A unity based on a community of interests, objectives and standards.

Most days, I would not say we are in solidarity. Various petty things tear us apart. We become distracted. Distracted from what should bind us. What should bring

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[EPD4CP] Man With A Plan

27 Ден 1,744, 20:35 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

Canada needs an active leader, willing to cooperate, compromise and communicate. As such I am throwing my name into the race for president of Canada. Unlike many campaigns which seem vague or engage in mudslinging, I have developed a plan which is

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[CPF] The 7 Tenet Series: First Tenet

29 Ден 1,743, 15:16 Публикувана в Canada Canada Политически дебати и анализи Политически дебати и анализи

The First Tenet of the CPF reads “Uphold the equality of all active military units”

So what exactly does this mean? How do you determine what defines ‘active’? Let’s start at the beginning... (Insert Time Machine Sound Here)

Long ago in a

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