Telegraph's - A New Player's Guide to wellness

Day 750, 08:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

I have decided to write a few articles about eRepublik for newer players

Telegraph's - A New Player's Guide to wellness
Political Party's - Party President elections
Congress Elections
How to write articles - Pictures,size, ect


You wellness should always be in the range from 90-100.
If you are a new player of eRepublik you will probably find that you cannot afford more expensive items such as weapons and higher quality food. The best option while you are on a low wage is to get Q1 food and try and save a bit to get a house.
Wellness is very important on eRepublik because you will get a better pay if you work with high wellness because you produce more produce for your company. You do more damage and if you can afford a few weapons you should fight with them at maximum wellness for the best possible amount of damage.


Food increases your wellness at the end of every day, it's best to make sure you have a store of food saved up so that you don't have to go to the market every day. The better quality of food will increase your wellness more per day.
People above level 10 should always be buying better and better quality food so that they can increase there wellness by more each day and so be able to fight more.


To fight you must have at least 40 wellness. The higher wellness you have the more damage you will do when fighting. You gain 2xp every time you fight and lose 10 wellness. Don't worry though, you can easily gain this wellness back by going to your regions hospital and clicking HEAL by the hospital picture. - you can fight here


Your wellness will gain by 10times the quality of the hospital, i.e. - A Q5 Hospital will give you 50 Wellness, a Q2 will give you 20 wellness and if there is not one then you cannot heal, the best option for you is to move to a region where there is a Q5 hospital - East Midlands, North West, London, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South West and the South East of England.

You must first fight before using the hospital - this is not possible if your wellness is below 40 the best option to you is to get better quality food or if you are close to 40 get some gifts.


Gifting is where you buy gifts from the market, for each gift of Quality 1 you receive 1 wellness (Q2 = 2 wellness). You cannot gift yourself, you must buy these gifts and then send them to another player who can then offer a gift to you and you will receive wellness, so make friends and get them to gift you and vice versa. You can only receive 10 wellness this way which is another fight for more damage fight then gift to 100wellness then fight to heal.


Most players get a house when they get 5Gold for reaching level 6, this should be within your first week. Always look around before you by. Houses last forever, so every single one produced stays with it's buyer unless passed on. Players are always looking to pass on houses to get houses of higher quality.
At level 6 and with your 5Gold you can probably afford a Q1 House and still have a bit of Gold left to spend on the market or create a paper ect.
With a house it amplifies your food's quality and so you gain more wellness per day with the same food.

The Forums

The forums is where everything is discussed and voted upon my parliament. It's where we can all meat and chat about eRepublik and anything you want. The forums are where eRepublik happens.

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UK leadership

I have been asked to include links to paper's like MoHA and the MoFA

Thank you for reading
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James Glover

If you ever need any help please feel free to message me