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SPAM ne otvarat koga smeta

5 Dan 702, 01:55 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia


..prica ribar: odem neki dan na pecanje,pecao cijeli dan i nista ne
zakacim...kontam da idem kuci kad udica trza...ja za stap pa vuci,pa vuci,pa
vuci,pa vuci...jedva je izvadim na obalu...uzmem metar da izmjerim ribu...

pita ga lovac:

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Why are you losers?

17 Dan 700, 05:20 Objavljen vUSA USA


I followed your struggle for your freedom and noticed a lack in your game.
Lots of players are fighting without weapons.
My homeland has been attacked 3 times by Hungary and Serbia, and each time successfully defended.

Most of

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Ratna propaganda

13 Dan 698, 07:43 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia


Od samih početaka moje igre površno pratim naše i Srpske novine i ustanovio sam da srbi stalno imaju nekakvih problema.
Nitko ih ne voli,ne daju im Kosovo,administratori im brane 4 S itd.
Dali je to stvarno tako?

Ja osobno ne vjerujem.

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6 Dan 697, 09:47 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia

Hello dear readers,

State institutions generally inform the players how to approach the struggle and healing afterwards, however many players don't know how the battles take place, and in this article I will try to explain that, in
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Attack on Hungary

17 Dan 693, 09:09 Objavljen vHungary Hungary

Today, the Croatian President Borkan said in a newspaper quote:
"War between us and them will be open for a long looong time (or 15,000 gold a very expensive short)"

So if you want to Croatian attacks start to donate to the Croatian National

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