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Black Friday Pack Comparison

7 Dan 4,392, 10:01 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Hello all.

It has been long time since my last article, but today, looking at Black Friday Packs gave me an idea to compare smaller packs with the biggest one, that costs 500 gold.

For start, to be honest, I didn’t know that there are 2 tabs

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Last 25 comments

37 Dan 2,999, 01:54 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

It finally came, third and last part of this mission, that I have to admit, started to irritate me lately. Only 25 more comments and over and out with it. Only hope, when this mission is done, there wont be any more like it. I like writing, but

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25 comments article part 2: Presidency elections

27 Dan 2,996, 07:02 Objavljen vUSA USA Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

This is part II of a three part mission.

First of all I would like to thank to everyone that commented, endorsed or put on their walls my articles to get more attention. Don't know how to repay you except say a big THANK YOU ALL.


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25 comments article part 1: Taxes

29 Dan 2,994, 14:46 Objavljen vUSA USA Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Well, this was planned to be just another „25 comments, please help“ article, but as it is, decided to write about something that I think lot of people don't agree.

I have started this game 12 days ago. I didn't know what to do and slowly learn

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25 comments please

31 Dan 2,992, 01:39 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Well, reached this mission, so please, help me out with this one...
Only 25 comments, please.

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