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Posljenji granit bio dostupan 2 sata/ Last granite was available for 2 hours

4 Dan 3,113, 03:31 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Bio je bug na serverima.... pa križamo.
It was a bug on servers... so strikethrough.

Dođem danas na Erep nešto poslije 10 sati (eRep 01:00) i idem malo pogledati kakva je situcaija sa resursima, kad imam šta i vidjeti 😃


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To gain a resource - How hard can it be?

9 Dan 3,112, 17:45 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

First of all I want to thank you all for such a big financial support of my last article.

Thank you.

In the begining of this „Resource war“ no one knew exactly how hard it will be to gain wanted resources. Here in Croatia we thought … preberi več »

Resource wars - Last quarter

36 Dan 3,112, 05:25 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Hi everybody!

This is my first article, and english isn't my native language so... 😃 don't be very critic.

As mentioned in the title, I will try to highlight some facts aboat current resource war that I think are relevant at the moment, based

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