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Fair and Balanced....

[Werewolf] End of Day Five

11 Dan 2,515, 18:33 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Mongoosier and Klop123 lobby hard for the lynching of Guagature, who, sensing they are the wolves, runs to mayor Sir Algaroth for help. Sir Algaroth promptly tears him to shreds as night falls and morphs into his werewolf form.

Mongoosier and

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[Werewolf] Day Five

6 Dan 2,514, 17:39 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Everyone's in the square very early the next morning, since no one could sleep given there are still 2 wolves roaming the village. It doesn't take them long to find the body of JHead, strewn across the entire square in little pieces. Above him

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[Werewolf] Night Four

7 Dan 2,513, 16:26 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

The villagers argue for much of the day on whether or not Roboz is indeed dead or alive when An Australian Man asks philosophically""But what is death defined as?", the villagers ponder this for a moment, before all agreeing that An

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[Werewolf] Day Four

18 Dan 2,511, 21:18 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the corpse of DodgyHagrid, still tied to the statue, sways gently in the breeze. The stench of death and decay is, however, very off putting for the villagers.

They find the

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[Werewolf] Night Three

7 Dan 2,510, 05:34 Objavljen vAustralia Australia Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

The villagers whip themselves into a frenzy, chanting for the death of Rusty D. The villagers tie him up and begin to carry him to the town centre to be burnt at the steak (no typo, don't question the culture).

As they arrive at the square they

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