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This is the Nationalistic Party of Montenegro. We post news about the political happenings of the Nationalistic Party and encourage people to join us and what we are all about.

The nation of Armenia

14 Dan 2,426, 14:56 Objavljen vMontenegro Montenegro Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Hello, MontenegroCitizen here, and like I have said, I am moving to nations and trying them out. So, I know im a bit far away from Montenegro right now, but I can still write articles as I am at the moment, so anyways, I will be talking about

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Goodbye Montenegro

9 Dan 2,424, 09:52 Objavljen vMontenegro Montenegro Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Goodbye everyone, I am migrating to other countries and trying them out. I may come back to Montenegro, and I may still publish articles as I am gone.

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Opinions on Election Day in Montenegro

1 Dan 2,419, 17:33 Objavljen vMontenegro Montenegro Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

As Election Day begins, a new president is due to be selected. We all know that a new president means a new future, and with that being said, who are you voting for your future? Place your selected candidate below, and state why you are selecting

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The Upcoming of Macedonia

6 Dan 2,418, 11:40 Objavljen vMontenegro Montenegro Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Macedonia, a tiny nation that once bordered Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria and Albania, was conquered by Greece a long time ago. They have been fighting against Greece for days, but Greece is all but so close to becoming an empire, and for a tiny nation

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EMN is back!

5 Dan 2,417, 14:40 Objavljen vMontenegro Montenegro Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

After a couple of months of inactivity, the English Montenegrin News is back, and I am going to be talking once again about the country in general, and the world. A lot has happened since we were inactive, the downfall of Montenegro, the empires

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