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LAZY CODING: How Plato cheats small countries

13 Dan 3,426, 03:04 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

When Plato introduces new economic changes [ARTICLE HERE]

He was talking specifically (just to stop confusion) … preberi več »

[IRELAND ABROAD] So was the upkeep an april fools joke?

0 Dan 3,425, 06:34 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje


If we look at South Africa no laws in 13 days no donate laws no donations within 7 days. Under dictatorship.

So PLATO said

In order for the dictator to remain in power, a daily preberi več »

[MOF] End of term report

10 Dan 3,425, 02:47 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Our income through the laws. At the start of the term there was very little money in the orgs. Many orgs I funded myself .

Here we issued our gold reserve

And here I emptied the treasury

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[CP]Money returned and new citizen message approved.

23 Dan 3,424, 12:58 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Money Returned

This indicate the money I moved to my own account. Since I am now called a thief even though as MOF I can move the money as I wish As CP/Dictator I do not have to account … preberi več »

[CP] Why vote for neutrality

11 Dan 3,424, 05:39 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Here is just a clarification of some issues

1. Moomoohead is a much older politician than me and he has always followed his own path. The attempt to portray him as some kind of patsy should be taken from whom it comes.

2. Moomoohead is a

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