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Constructive newspaper whit the goal off more social involvement in the eWorld!
Look past the 2 clicking!


21 Dan 2,496, 13:03 Objavljen vBelgium Belgium Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Dear readers,

Clearly belgians aint informed or there powerhungry or they don't care....

More info:

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MoE: Gold! Gold! Gold!

18 Dan 2,491, 10:36 Objavljen vBelgium Belgium Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Hi readers,

This is an unofficial MoE article (due to absence active goverment):
Belgium: An Inactive Country For The Powerhungry
And it

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Belgium: An inactive country for the powerhungry

64 Dan 2,485, 10:18 Objavljen vBelgium Belgium Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Dear readers,

July Cp elections - August Cabinet

During the august cabinet term a few things happen😛
* August CP
+ training war whit chili
+ irc

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Education: Freedom Fighters Medals

12 Dan 2,477, 11:20 Objavljen vBelgium Belgium Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

Dear readers,

Newcomers often strugle in the game and burn out, not a lot stay, some just decide they dont like it others are clueless, now there are things that can aide you a lot when your new.

- Joining a good MU:

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133 Dan 2,471, 09:47 Objavljen vBelgium Belgium Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Dear plato,

Dear readers. When the voting in eBelgium closed my party Liberation front had 20 votes
Apparantly we lost 1 vote to a player who got banned for multiaccounting. Which is perfectly fair.

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