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A Pox Upon My Face

25 Dan 2,265, 17:54 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

"When everything looks bleak and dreary a lone man takes notice. Only one should be allowed to live. Whom ever it shall be only one shall become a legend."

As we head into elections a great truth has been hidden and largely ignored. … preberi več »

[KK4CP] Nothing Else to Say

4 Dan 2,265, 06:06 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

With nominations having to be completed by the 2nd I guess I need to put something forth, a platform of some kind, it's expected I guess. So allow me to unveil my plans for February to those who may so be gracious as to nominate me.


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[KK4CP]The Gordie Howe Hat Trick

21 Dan 2,236, 14:18 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

The Gordie Howe hat trick. It's ok if you don't know the term. But I'll make one happen.

I'll keep it simple, a gordie howe hat trick is posting all major stats in one game. You must get a goal, an assist and a fight in one game. It's actually

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[KK4CP] An Overview

39 Dan 2,233, 07:03 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

So heading into the final nomination period that ends on the second, it is normally good to put forth a grand policy page of what your gov't intends to do. The reality is it's going to look rather bland and for that I apologize, however it is to be

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[KK4CP]Theft and Security

22 Dan 2,229, 07:47 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Home from the christmas break it's obvious some news has happened, a story we are all to familiar with. Treasury thefts have always been a part of this game unfortunately and dealing with them are a laboursome chore. I been there, dealt with them

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