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Competition Results

11 Dan 1,691, 07:16 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Here's the results of the two competitions I was running to get subscriptions for my newspaper.

The winners from preberi več »


256 Dan 1,689, 14:20 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Thanks everyone, much appreciated! The draw will be made tomorrow as I have to go through the entire thing because of duplicates and whatnot, and I intend getting drunk tonight, so bear with me. Prizes will be handed out immediately afterward.preberi več »

Congressional article: Defend Irish Democracy

64 Dan 1,645, 22:06 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hello everyone.

This is a short article describing my motives for running for Irish congress and what I aim to do during my prospective term there.

My objectives are as follows:

- 1. Promote transparency in government;

- 2.
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Army Ranger Wing: the Irish Special Forces

5 Dan 1,624, 18:55 Objavljen vFrance France Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

The Army Ranger Wing is a new Special Forces unit based in Ireland. Its Irish title is Sciathán Fianóglach an Airm, the term 'Fianóglach' deriving from the 'Na Fianna', a group of legendary Irish warriors.


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176,830,388 worth of ULTRAVIOLENCE with Bazookas and Energy Bars

22 Dan 1,612, 11:18 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Flausino now holds the Record damage in a single Campaign:

[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/[/img] … preberi več »