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The rantings and ravings of Mellie, coming to your house since late Beta.

^.^ So, You Want a Pi? ^.^

73 Dan 940, 22:45 Objavljen vUSA USA Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

A lot of you old farts from beta, V1 boomers, and assorted other hooligans have been requesting the return of Pi. (Note: For all of you people who don't know who I am, I've been gone for a very long time. Additionally, lrn2wiki because even though

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^.^ Sup? ^.^

36 Dan 883, 19:55 Objavljen vUSA USA

So, people thought I was dead. That's pretty sad. As GLaDOS has proclaimed for years, I'm still alive. Oh, yeah ... I'm also an American citizen again.

Time for a little Q and A.

A: Yeah,

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^.^ The Cake is a Lie ^.^

27 Dan 733, 15:55 Objavljen vJapan Japan

Author's Note: I dedicate this article to my love GLaDOS and all of the beautiful lovers of pie in this eWorld. I hope you enjoy.


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^.^ Look Who's Running for Orange Party President ^.^

18 Dan 725, 15:59 Objavljen vJapan Japan

Up until this morning, I had not ever thought about running for Orange Party President. Why? Well, I kind of figured that Geno Garon would run it forever. So, when he asked me to run this morning, I was shocked and surprised that he was a) giving

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^.^ Shameless Shout Outs ^.^

20 Dan 666, 00:54 Objavljen vUSA USA

I figured that it was time to take a few minutes out of my day to thank the people I have been playing with for over a year for being with me through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am doing this with youtube dedications. For people who know

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