7 Elite Bounty Egg-Hunters Revealed!

Day 1,252, 00:22 Published in USA USA by Darkskye

Easter Egg Hunt Competition is now over!

The contest was a great success, many people who joined never stopped until they found 11 or 12 easter eggs! Great job everyone!

List of participants who got a perfect 12 score (in order of completion)
1. Coyote99
2. crucifixpandaninja
3. Publius
4. Little Benny
5. Shaun Kumar
6. La Muerte Noire
7. Demiurge

For all who got a perfect score, I am commissioning a cool BOUNTY EGG-HUNTER badge for you to enjoy and show off to your friends:

Enlarged for viewing pleasure | Resized for use in a signature block

Most of the others got a near perfect score, but I am sure they are also very happy with the prizes they got 😉

44x Q5 Tanks Given Away

760x Q3 Food Given Away
(This was a correction. My calculator was sleepy the last time!)

Special thanks to all the cool people who agreed to put an Easter Egg in their newspaper (alphabetical order)

Alexandr Sunbeliever III
The Prism of Independence

Blank Keating
The Keating Chronicles

Primitive Thinking

Fiddle's Quibble

George Pumpkinette
The Art of Making Enemies

Federalist Focus

Weekly Havoc

Herr Vootsman
The Crying Noob

Israel Stevens
The American Sentinel

John Killah
The Killah Times

Mourning Star
The Mourning News

News from the Trenches

News In Strife

A Resolute Mind

I'm Still Alive

You can't refuse the bunny!

Now for some more free stuff! Freebie Food Frenzy is back with a new set of 5 randomly generated numbers (courtesy of random.org, where I got 5 randomly generated numbers from 1-25). The results were: 10, 14, 1, 17, 23

Therefore, if your citizen's level is 10, 14, 1, 17, or 23 as of today or tomorrow, Day 1252-1253, then post your level # in the comments section below to receive 5x Q3 Foodz!!! Also, if you leveled up after posting, don't worry. I can always check your experience points so I will know you just leveled up.

Please promote this Freebie Food Frenzy by telling your friends about it!

It's Dark in here... join me next time for even more fun and games.

Are you wondering what to do now? Why not read this nice article from the Feds:

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next issue coming out in a few days!