[TIA] Not One Step Back!

Day 1,249, 11:15 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Hello, dear readers from the US, Russia, and other friendly countries. Unfortunately, the reason I'm writing this is not happy. Friends, tough times have come for us. Counterattack in Europe hasn't lived up to our hopes, resistance in Burgas failed. Until recently, we were losing the war in Europe and the Pacific region. Now, the whose of Americas and Asia are threatened. Barbaric hordes from Turkey keep up their pressure on Hellas, Poles have sussed out Google Maps, and orthodox Serbs keep fraternizing with orthodox muslim in their orthodox manner.

In this article I will try to describe the reasons for our predicament. Also, I ask you to do me a favor and not to forget to vote for the article and subscribe to my newspaper. You could also help me by voting russian version.

In the Northen hemisphere only 2 countries have managed to keep their borders unviolated - Cyprus, and the UAE, two bargaining chips. This isn't simply a world war, but a global war.

In Europe, our positions have stabilized, to which the full restoration of Croatia and a series of resistanced in Italy and France attest to. Unfortunately, the situation in Germany, Finland, Romania, and Bulgaria is far from ideal, but we're doing what we can. In South America, Brazil is desperately fighting against coordinated attacks from Poland.

At the same time, Spain persists in its attempts to distinguish Washington and Washington DC, with help from a compass and a Burger King map. Our main hope today is China, who manages to preserve its hegemony in Asia, having crushed Indonesias claim for leadership. However, considering the new battle in Russia, hopes dwindle.

In light of these facts, it is important to look at the "Bulgarian Resistance". I want to highlight that, due to the alliance's members' inability to sacrifice some local interests, we are likely to lose Asia and North America. I believe that with enough desire and coordination, we could've won the RW in Burgas, denying Serbia the passage to Russia. Allow me to remind you, that at one point we were winning 4 - 0, but couldn't press the advantage, indicating an appalling lack of coordination. But most of all we must be wary of what I'd written about before.

Collaborationism is a disgusting thing that keeps undermining our unity, strength, and honor. It permeates everywhere, it spreads like an epidemic that is more lethal than the most dangerous of poisons. It can manifest in many forms. In a French woman calling to fight for Turkey while Paris is occupied, enemy agents poisoning the minds of important politicians, right in the heart of our alliance's strongest countries, in traitors going against their countries' best interests and helping the enemy. It can manifest as diplomats scheming to sign MPPs with enemies in secret. That pathetic thing is a concentrated vice of humans' souls, it is a bigger enemy than the whole of ONE.

Friends, remember, it is crucial for us to remain stalwart in such hard times. That game isn't about pixels on a map, but about human relationships. And while that is so, we will be victorious.

Remain loyal to your comrades today, learn to forgive, but never to forget, and luck will inevitably smile on you. We will win or be destroyed. But we won't be broken, won't bend, and won't stop fighting back.

Sincerely yours,

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