▒█My Michigan Re-Election Updated Platform April Article of Awesome█▒

Day 517, 13:41 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Hola people of Michigan, as you might know, I am your current Congressmen, and let me tell you what a ride it has been. However looking at the past month I'm glad to say as a few of you know, I'm running for re-election! Now I'm no flip-flopper so my platform is still pretty much the same. I just need to touch up on a few things since in the old one UncleSam was still a big issue, and our tax system has since be evaluated. Let me get starte😛


April 4th came like we all knew it would, and the Economic Council gave Congress the numbers behind the PANEC tax Program/Project was released. The results were astounding. The government now had a projected monthly income of roughly 345,000 USD! This amount of money has been keeping our military extremely well lubed and ready for a fight. It was with these numbers that the JCS were able to create our nations first budget. This budget covers most of the bases and is opening to future tweaking. It is with that, that I support the continued use of the PANEC Tax and the budget it is being put to use with.

===Atlantis vs. PEACE===

Well, like last month I can say easily that there are no signs, or reason for the eUS to leave Atlantis anytime soon. I think we've grown attached to it (XD) however like always I think we should never close our minds to other options that may present themselves. However since most options of that ilk are few and far between we should continue to support our alliance and our allies to the fullest of our abilities because as we've seen the far eastern front (Romania vs. Indonesia) has been making some footsteps in the right direction! Romania with the aid of our great Marines (and the funding they've been receiving from our tax plan 😁) have been slowly pushing back Indonesia. We also saw however a very sad sight in the Battle for Sardinia where both Atlantis and PEACE forces were almost assuredly using yet another gold bug to fund their tanks. Although Spain won it was really an empty victory as nations from both alliances really showed their true colors. (Spain has since lost the region to France)


Scrabman has for the past month really done a great job as President and I believe deserves commendations for it. He has since his time in office managed to fix the eUS up with ongoing war games, a functional budget, and has been in very active communication with Congress and the people of our nation his entire term.


Like last month, I still think our military is running along pretty smooth. The National Guard and The Marines have a good amount of money set aside for them in our nations budget and our tanks too have a fund they will receive gold from. I still think our one bump in the road is The Army. They aren't as coordinated as The Marines or The National Guard, and even if they were I simply think they aren't 100% necessary. The Marines go overseas and fight, and our National Guard stays here on the home front to defend our lands. The Army really doesn't fit in since there isn't more than those two tasks needed. The Army in my mind should be broken up and it's members be fitted into The Marines or National Guard, whichever suits them best.

==😛roposals and Activity in Congress===

As we have seen in the last month inactivity in Congress and the dreaded "Lulz" Proposals have been becoming as problem. As we saw in Gilroy's Active Congressmembers article, activity in Congress has been dropping and as many have pointed out "Lulz" proposals are getting annoying. Frankly, there's not much an of the active members of Congress can do to increase overall activity of Congress, other than to try and make sure players who have not displayed activity or any devotion to the game don't win. This would have to be done through party programs and other groups. On the subject of "Lulz" proposals I really don't have a problem with them, unless they begin to block real necessary proposals. Only then does it become a problem. To counter it, the only thing I can do is put real proposals, which I promise to do.

In all, I hope all of you in Michigan are willing to give me another term in our nations fine congress!

My second campaign article (from last month) about the more personal level of Chisholm you can find here

Vote for Chisholm in Michigan!