▒█Chisholm for Michigan█▒

Day 487, 09:49 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Hello nice people of Michigan, I am glad to inform you that I have decided to run for Congress in the great state of Michigan.Why should you vote for me?Well well well good people let me tell you.I started here in Michigan several months back, and I'm a native Michigander IRL. Let me go over a few points of my campaign I'd like to bring into Congress.


I support the current PANEC tax system we have set up. The thing is, if Congress didn't tell people about this, no one would notice that the tax had gone up. This tax levels help keep us a military force in the world, we saw how well it worked against Mexico and how we were ready for the fights in Romania. These taxes keep our military really well funded, the only problem is who controls the funds and how. That's why we need to push for better Executive - Legislative communication. I would also like to see the PANEC reviewing later in April.

===Atlantis vs. PEACE===

I think what people need to understand is that we are not going to leave Atlantis very soon, especially in the condition we are right now, with two nations armed to the teeth with allies on our doorstep. If we left Atlantis right now, Mexico and Portugal could very well take advantage of us leaving the alliance and pounce on us. That being said, I believe we need to support our alliance to our fullest because PEACE is now, and will be for a long time our #1 threat.


Lots of people are calling for impeachment, but for now I must say I do not think he deserves impeachment. Having an opposing viewpoint is no reason to call for one. He's not the best military tactician, so sue him, he still brought tons of wellness, exp, and rank to the U.S public. Recently he was called out about the deal with the 431 gold, but it was given to him as a complete blank check. It's not fair to bitch at him about something he was pretty much set up to do.


I think our military is going pretty well right now, the Marines and Tank division, our top two branches have the funding they need, we just need to make sure those funds make it into their hands, and better yet into weapons. The army has always been a question for me, I think that they need to be harshly reformed, along with the National Guard because their system of ECHOing clearly showed many communication problems during the Mexican war.

So, I hope you like what I could bring to congress, a cool, rational and logical voice who can also make some lols when need 😉.

My second campaign article about the more personal level of Chisholm you can find here

Vote for Chisholm in Michigan!