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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

The first member of the THOUSAND club soon to be eJOINED by Friday the 13TH News of NO Carrier

A breakdown of Resource Regions: Ireland MAYO

6 Dia 3,150, 07:15 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

First off my strategy was as follows:

1. 2 High bonus region high country bonus region

Portugal Azores - Weapons , Washington DC Houses

3. 1 moderate region with moderate country bonuses - reestablishing some tax help to Ireland


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Never eat spanish

15 Dia 3,150, 02:47 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

My friends yesterday a spanish player stole my bh medal with me on 200 million damage after going in with all 20 of my x 200 energy bars. Apparently this is acceptable behavior and he has been made a hero in their newsfeed.

After brokering the

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The Daily krakken for Krakheads now in spanish

12 Dia 3,149, 17:10 Publicado em Spain Spain Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Por Favor mi es spanos mi es Krakken do not cook me in your dishes as in Norwegian Krakken means stool which in english it means the number that is 2 or is it 1.

Here is funny pic for you to laugh at after you take it to Gary your one english

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Bad grandpa Plato

7 Dia 3,149, 13:46 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This morning I posted 200 million and a player calling himself OddX

took it for no reason. Afterwards some of my friends retook it but really this is getting silly. Yesterday I

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Pirates of the Ma Rib n Bean

19 Dia 3,149, 08:19 Publicado em Spain Spain Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Some days yonder and odd scalliwag named OddX was 4 farthings away from a Coruna off the seas that borders yonder Spanish lands on his armada teh Water Oddity


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