The Dangers of eCommunism (a response to the response!)

Day 1,189, 13:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean Power

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I’m gonna lay it out straight from the start : this is not intended as a balanced look at the positives and negatives of eCommunism! My personal opinion is that an effective equilibrium between eCapitalism and eCommunism is what benefits the community as a whole the most. Narrow views of what’s best for the military, executive, legislature, managers,“working class” or other categorisation, work against our nation’s best interests by disregarding why or how other citizens wish to participate in eIrelands community.

So far as practical these interests should be balanced for the common good. Viable markets must be maintained and can co-exist with eCommunes which are equally necessary. Imho that is not eCommunism but a practical centrist mixed economy which leans to the left.

This is an ideology of Choice;
This is an ideology of Fairness.
This is an ideology of Freedom
This is why I’m a member of the Irish Union Party 😉

An essential element of this balancing process which focuses on creating an inclusive society is open and free discussion of our opinions. Conflicting views must battle it out, however we ourselves need not engage in the battle personally. In this regard eIreland has severely failed on occasion.

Here a produce for you my personal opinion on the hazards of eCommunism as the sole or primary ideology and economic system in eIreland and eIrish politics. For a look at the benefits envisaged by John Snuggles read What is eCommunism (A Response) and Dan Murchadhs article started the process.

The Next Update : eRepubliks eCommunism streetview 😉

1. eCommunism can limit retention by eradicating demand for goods and creating a non-viable market for those playing with an economic module/business focus. To push our potential to the fullest we must promote a diverse system. Some people join up to run a business so let’s keep our market viable.

2. Communes are not a self-reliant economic system. To buy raw materials requires selling some produce on a market elsewhere (state capitalism). The other possibilities are donations from members. (volunteerism)

Give a tank some gold and he’ll win the mini-battle.
Teach a nation to make gold and he’ll win the war

3. eCommunist systems provide little to no gold in tax revenues which impacts on our ability to sign MPPs. These MPPs are essential for retention of military focused citizens and our defence. Again the fallback plan/system is state capitalism or volunteerism.

4. eCommunism pushes downward pressure on local currency value as demand dries up cutting the purchasing power of anyone holding IEP. This is lessened somewhat by market price reduction due to reduced demand for goods. The little IEP tax revenue collected which can be converted to gold has lost a fair amount of its value.

5. All members are not necessarily equal in a commune. Usually only a couple of citizens will have access to the company. Therefore they have unequal access rights to the product of their labour. This is amplified by the culture of dependence created by having to rely on these privileged commune members to transfer payment to you.

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