Day 2,481, 14:32 Published in Portugal Portugal by Dr. Dog

I felt like writing it in a broader language because I believe that this is something that is affecting every and each on of the Countries and communities present in this game.

No need to state the obvious: eRepublik is slowly (maybe not so slow) dying.

I've played one other MMO game that got "cancelled", you know, just like some nice TV show that seems to be going pretty well and then the season 1 ends... Aaaaand the TV network simply decides not to renew it (Firefly, anyone?).

It's pretty lame, because it takes us by surprise. Just as we invest our time and passion in a TV show, we do the same here while playing eRepublik, but in a more intense manner.


Things seemed to be going pretty well around the time I joined the game.

I got myself into a great MU, focused in building super D1 soldiers, improved my training camps and then just waited for the right time to start fighting.

From day 1 I was expecting that day, knowing that it would be no more than 4-5 months away. Then it finally came, and the addiction grew stronger. Getting as much Battle Hero medals as possible before getting to Division 2 was the goal, and I've managed to get around 120.

I wasn´t alone on this, a LOT of players played with the same objective: farming strength before changing Division.

Nowadays, it just doesn't make sense anymore. Division 1 is a joke. The gap between newcomers and older players is humongous. They would need a whole year farming strength to even get a fair chance.

So the military module is off.

The economy module is hard to get into.

The political module is filled with conflict and boredom...

So... It happens that we can no longer retain new players

Like a body rejecting a blood transfusion. And eRepublik needs a constant flow of fresh blood.

IT might sound as a joke to you, but it is obvious that Parties and Military Units which strength depended on fresh souls can´t even keep up with the others anymore, when in the past they were way, way ahead (in terms of numbers, of course).

It's Sad. No more fresh fervant blood, no more fresh ideas, we are becoming nothing more than a repetition of ourselves...

Boredom. And boredom leads to mindless, irrational conflict, so much that I feel the community's strength decaying each day that passes.


Ok, it's complicated to take things back and reset D1 to lower XP ranges.

But I believe that it would be really easy to insert something new:

Division Zero

For players between 0 and 4999 exp.

Give them an one of a time D-Zero only Boot Camp, 50 strength extra per day.

The main Goal: getting them strong quickly, and letting them enjoy the military module.

The Battle Hero medals would subsidize the spent in arms, food and guerrilla equipment.

Some might even feel the urge to invest some real money.

And the successfull ones would dream of gathering enough gold to build a factory...

One final breath

EREPUBLIK! Give the Fun back to the newcomers!

Rescue Yourself!