[WTP] Leadership Mentoring, IRC Summits, And Cats!

Day 2,120, 12:33 Published in USA USA by Talostastic
Basically, the start of my thinking process is: 'OK, if you didn't have to worry about re-election, what would you be doing?' That's kind of how I'm starting to think. - Ray Nagin

It's been a very busy month here at We The People. We had our highest Congress Turnout, our first Country President won reelection, and we lost a good man to the Country Presidency of Canada.

As much as I would like to kick back my heels with a nice beer, there is still work to be done.

I had two two main goals for my first term. The first was the launch of the IRC/IRC (Internet Relay Chat / Internal Retention Contest). The second was to launch a Leadership Mentoring program.

As I've said before, We The People has a very good track record of sending people to executive cabinets. Not just as placeholders or "Hey, I appointed this person, so vote for me!" positions, but people who have done amazing work there.

To continue and strengthen this tradition, I want to start training the next generation of Leaders and open the Leadership Mentoring program. Myself and the wonderful Mazzy Cat will be taking applicants who want to help shape the future of the eUSA.

If you would like to join this program, either as a mentor or a mentee, feel free to send me a Private Message at any time.

In the very near future, I would like to schedule a little IRC Summit for any member of We The People who wish to attend and participate. What I do not know is what timeframe works out for people interested in participating, so I welcome any feedback and suggestions on this front so I can help nail down a specific time.

At some point in the next week, I'll be posting a Referendum on the forums about running 6th Party candidates for Congress. After the... confusion and chaos caused last cycle, it will probably be best to put it up for a party-wide vote.

And finally, I have not yet formally welcomed Mazzy Cat back to the eUSA. It is awesome to have you back, Maz.

Also, this is an IRC/IRC article. If you meet the qualifications set forth here, write your vote number and INSURGIO in the comments to receive a Q7 Tank.

Party President
We The People

Insurgio Forward!