A Choice Worthy of Contemplation

Day 2,292, 17:48 Published in USA USA by DylanBAS

WARNING: This article will be quite long, so kudos if you reach the end.

Table of contents
1. The announcements
2. The key platforms
3. Torn worse than Levi's jeans
4. An invitation
5. Final thoughts

This presidential cycle has so far been a unique one. It began nearly half a month before the elections with an article by Gnilraps that announced his candidacy

It was soon followed by Tyler Bubblar's article announcing his own candidacy

As if this wouldn't be fun enough, Aramec decided to deliver on his long promised plan to run this month and threw his hat in the ring

Me personally, I've narrowed it down to 2 candidates. Despite being a Proud and Horny Fed, I don't think Tyler Bubblar can compete at this point(No disrespect), so that leaves me with Gnilraps and Aramec.

This really comes down to what you care about more. Aramec has announced a plan to make game recruitment more personal and less reliant on game rating sites. I would LOVE this. I was not around for the glory days when we had over 10,000 people roaming the land and most of them had serious ambitions, but given the stories I've heard, I would not pass up an opportunity to return to those days.

However, Gnilraps has come out with a solid plan to revamp both our private and government MU's. To summarize, he wants to create a giant MU incorporating many private MU's in order to increase the effectiveness of MU battle boosters. He also wants to formally recognize strong tanks for their effort in helping America's military, and increase coordination between MU's. I would like this as well. I would gladly represent the Cannon Cockers in the MU he wants to call "The Horde"

Formally submitting as MU logo option

I really am torn on this one, torn even more than every single pair of Levi's Jeans still in existence.

I just can't decide. Both Candidates offer something great, and they would be even better together. If only there was some way to get the best of both platforms...

So I'm going to try something I haven't seen done before. I once heard the telling story that no one has ever invited a Jehovah's Witness to their door so they could preach the Gospel to them, but I am going to do something analogous to that right now. I invite you to try and convince me either way. Anyone, just send me a message with the reasons I should vote for either candidate. Make me a convert to your side. I appreciate hearing all the evidence, and I really don't care how crowded my inbox gets, I will read every single message that is sent to me, and I will do my best to make an informed decision in this election. The evidence really matters to me, so I am ready to change my mind at a moments notice. What would change my mind, I really don't know, but it could be you and your words.

However, I warn you, I will be quite the Devils advocate no matter who you support, so be ready to defend your ideas. If I receive anything especially interesting, I will publish it in a future article for the sake of public interest.

Finally, I know what some of you are thinking. "How arrogant is this guy? Does he really expect us to give up our time and mental energy just to convince him, one single person, he should search for himself!" And I admit there may be a seedling of that inside(Yin and Yang works both ways)But I really disagree that this is arrogant. This is a journey of honest inquiry, one that will change me, and maybe even you when you see your ideas scrutinized. Not only that, but if you manage to really impact me, your words will be heard by everyone who reads the next edition of this paper.

You've made it to the end, so you deserve this.

I hate watermarks with a passion

Votes, Shouts, and Subs are greatly appreciated.