[ARAMEC] It's Simple

Day 2,291, 20:43 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

For the listeners.
February 23rd, 2014

A Dream Deferred
Why did you join this game? It's an interesting thought to think of, why anyone would join this game, especially nowadays where cynicism is almost as common as lottery popups.

But think back, to when you first joined, and what drew you. This game speaks to a quiet urge each one of us has: to rise, and to rule. Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Game of Thrones; our yearning is to be the one to grasp at power and hold it, even if only for a moment. And at it's core, that's what this game touches upon.

There is not a time in anyone's life where they haven't secretly fantasized about their own CP run, where they haven't gazed at the medal slot and wondered, if for however briefly, what their own reign might be like. What would you do? What would you bring to the table?

It is the naivety of this simple wish, the grand golden dream each one of us has dreamt as some point, that on some level fuels our motives and actions.

We want to feel powerful.

Who doesn't?

We express this in different ways. Some of us decide that there are better ways to express our power, whether being a tank or controlling behind the door dealings or even being an economic powerhouse. This game allows it. But at some point, we've all dreamt the same dream.

That dream still lives for new players. They come to this game, and they see the medals, and they see the potential in themselves.

And then we quash it.

"This is the way the world now works. Get used to it."

I've said that in more than one way on more than one occasion. The game has changed, and it's time for you to evolve to where we're at with it. But the game hasn't changed.

We have.

The Boom
eNASA was a failure and it will not be brought back. You can't automate engaging someone in a new game, and the system was really just a way to look like we were doing something. I would never saddle anyone with that sad responsibility.

My plan for a babyboom is simple, and it's the one I've already spoken of briefly: be real.

I'm going to get a few people, some of whom who I have already talked to, and we're going to go out. And we're going to beat down doors. We will go to different forums, and sites, and create our own webpages, and we will talk about the new eUS that other people should join.

I'm not talking about getting new players to join the game we have going now, I'm talking about them starting a renaissance.

Movements throughout history, movements which have swept up hearts and minds, have molded our history that we wade through today. Dioism, SEES, SPQR; things of this nature are what bind us together and give us a greater purpose than just using buttons to get off.


This isn't me mandating some grand scheme that will have a huge amount of oversight. This isn't me spending fourteen paragraphs outlining how we're gonna solve our new player deficiency and retention issue. It isn't that complicate😛 we go out, we talk with people, we give them a reason to join.

And it's as simple as that.

Stay tuned. You're gonna wanna see where I go.