Volunteers for America

Day 2,200, 17:35 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Could I get a Hooker up here, please?
Volunteers for America

Recently Gnilraps released an article -a challenge if you will- entitled Gnilraps Pfeiffer?, in which he defends placing Mr Arundel as the United States Workers Party (USWP) number one Congressional candidate. First let me state here and now that Gnilraps is not a citizen who I would consider a ‘Pfeifferist’, second if he says Mr Arundel has put in the work and deserves that spot; I am willing to accept Gnilraps decision to place him there.

This is one example of the myriad reasons I love both America and my Military Unit (MU) -Easy Company (EZC), two citizens whose beliefs are complete polar opposites can work and fight together for the benefit of America. Easy Company is made up of a wide range of soldiers, all with differing beliefs and yet they can come together for the benefit of America, Easy Company and themselves; even though many of them are anti 'meta Government'.

That doesn't mean they are anti American.

America is full of challenges, this challenge just happens to come from my Commanding Officer and USWP Party President Gnilraps and I for one have decided to heed that call. Over recent months my stand against a citizen, whom I do not know personally outside this game, has been criticized for a lack of effort; therefore I intend to set aside any differences we have and again offer my services.

Mr Arundel has written three well thought out articles, Giving Congress a Purpose, [New Players] Join Us on IRC, and [Pfeiffer] Congress and the Speakership. I agree with almost everything he says, one of Congress’s purposes is to enforce Congressional Procedure and Laws; which I believe it totally failed to do recently and solutions to this problem should be considered by every Congress member and all concerned citizens. No matter who they are, no one citizen should be above filling out a few forms and obeying Congressional Procedure; many citizens have been censored for far less.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) should be encouraged through all Parties and Military Units (MU), used to disseminate orders, food, weapons or money and it is excellent for parties as a rallying point. It is great for those purposes, however it is a complete and total failure when it comes to discussing important Congressional business; too many chefs in the pot and all that....

Mr. Arundel’s last article announced his desire to be Speaker of the House, ignoring the fact that he again broke Congressional Procedure by announcing too early; the question becomes, ‘Does he deserve to be Speaker?’

My answer would be that he works hard and if that were the only criteria then he deserves it, however that is only one thing to be considered; his very recent public actions must also be examined -Congress members must consider the whole citizen. There are many excellent candidates for Speaker, all they need do is step forward and throw their Stetson in the ring; if you don’t like Mr Arundel becoming Speaker then by all means step forward and run for the office yourself.

Rainy Sunday recently shared a link with her friends -another citizen I would not consider a ‘Pfeifferist’, the article was titled ‘Mountain Man Owns Judge’ from which I quote,

"It's we the people that run this and rule this country, not we the courts, not we the government, and if the people don't start standing up for themselves and for each other, we are going to continue being subjects of this government."
~William Wolf

Now I wish to point out that Mr. Wolf, as far as the Government is concerned, is a nobody. Mr Wolf controls no Congressional Committees, he has absolutely no control over any Appropriations; nor is he the adviser to any great person or persons.

None of which make his words any less profound or any less true and conveys exactly why I have expressed my displeasure with the ‘meta game’, played on a forum outside of eRepublik and controlled by a ‘cabal of citizens’ who play a ‘meta game’ version of eRepublik on the eUSA Forums. Ever wonder why eRepublik has lost population world wide? The eUSA Forums are the brightest example of why, it is because eRepublik is not played here; but rather is played there -outside of eRepublik.

America is a country of individuals, it is what makes America great; it is also the fact that when the need arises, America unites against her common enemies. Many times citizens are belittled for their lack of involvement in the workings of the American ‘meta Government’, yet many of America’s ‘meta leaders’ can not put aside their personal feelings and work with their political opposition; so my call goes out to those leaders to lay aside their personal and/or political differences and work together for America.

I’m just saying….
'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and Honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius