Gnilraps <3 Pfeiffer?

Day 2,197, 08:20 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

I Wish I Was in New Orleans (Mandatory listening)
Day 2197 of the New World
25 November, 2013

So I heard through the grapevine that I am a Pfeifferist.

Here's where I stand, as if I should even have to go here.

1: I'm USWP President. He's USWP.

2: I layed down a few challenges to our Party leadership early in my term as President. He's responded better than any other Party leader. This earned him the top spot in our Congressional caucus. Merit = reward in my eWorld.

3: He's the first person to run for Speaker of the House with an actual agenda. Find me a PP that wouldn't LOVE that.

4: I hold NO GRUDGES in this game. So despite the fact that in my past I fought against USWP and Pfeiffer, I am just as capable of working with him. Equally, if I ever find myself fighting against him again, he can count on a good fight.

5: Since returning to eUSA, he has been a team player, an exemplary public figure, and a decent dude. I'll bet almost everyone reading this who hates him is basing his/her hatred on events more than a year in the past.

So here's what I'm asking.

I am asking Federalist, AMP, WTP, and LAP congressmen to support Henry Pfeiffer Arundel for Speaker of the House.

I don't give a crap if you don't like him. Read his article. Argue with him there if you can find anything in it you disagree with. Here's what I know. If you elect him as Speaker, he will run a clinic on how that office should be handled.

But if you are being told by some allegedly informed player that I am somehow beholden to Pfeiffer beyond the fact that I happen to be his Party President, laugh in that person's face. There is a huge difference between refusing to hate someone and being in bed with him.

I refuse to hate.

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