[CP] Cabinet and the War Rages on.

Day 2,296, 20:11 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I tried to play peace maker and honestly hearing out USA's wishes of maintaining a 100/100 bonus peacefully. I was willing to put my reputation on the line making peace instead of war. It looks like its not to be. I took a gamble and missed out on 2 days of primetime war against USA while they fought France. Its time to make up for 2 lost days Canada.

The Deal
After being brought to the table I requested 20k cc per month for BC and Quebec for rent from USA. We would also fight to keep the territory occupied if nessary.

USA Counter
12.5k cc per week
No UK NE's
No Serbia MPP

I would renegotiate for 15k cc per week as a counter but USA trying to influence our foreign affairs policies is unacceptable. We will not be dictated to and if they want to rebuild some semblance of mutual respect and cooperation there going about it the wrong way.

My counter offer is action not words. I proposed to renew Serbia MPP tonite in adminstration and were organizing to RW Quebec, Baja and that other French place with Rubber lol. France - Poitiers / Poitou Charentes

We will continue the war until better terms are brought forward to us. I won't look to restart talks with USA but as always I'm open to more negotiations if contacted. I just won't sit here and be low balled by bad terms. Just showing USA what I think of them.

March Cabinet

Rolo Tahmasee

Any good Rylde term needs his goodluck right hand man by his side. What more can you ask from of a friend than getting a political rival booted off the election list. A certain song about friends in low places comes to mind.

Kami Carmine

Although not really taxed for work as my MoD as I'm more of a hands on CP. When asked to complete tasks he went about completing them in a timely fashion. Good enough for a MoD nod.

Addy Lawrence

As part of a personal deal to see Addy's ass on his way back out of the country I offered him this cabinet spot. He's away in Serbia serving the nation in other ways. He will have full CDC and forum privelages as a member of Canadian Govt.


He quietly goes about his business doing his part for the nation. Canada always needs more Bagders!!! Bagders!!! Bagders!!! Bagders!!! Bagders!!! Bagders!!!


Klop goes above and beyond with his cabinet position. I definately couldn't get half of the foreign affairs sh*t done without him. He'll have complete control and ability to make most international diplomatic decisions. Setting meetings and being the main Canadian Repsresentative at times.

Due to speaker rules I'm left without a deputy.

When he speaks its worth listening to and heeding what is said.

Guy never shuts up and loves war. Also has a unique perspective on most situations as he's off his rocker.

Exalted Druid
He put alot of work into the RW organizing teams and it would be serious insult for me to not ask him to be part of my cabinet.