To Ireland, and Dáil

Day 811, 13:26 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

To Ireland, and Dáil.

Hello again people of Ireland!

Last time I released an article in your media, I was the CP of the eUK. Since then a lot has changed in our two countries. Although I am no longer the CP, I have moved into an adjacent office and taken up the task of being MoFA, with my pal GLadDOS. It has been for the past month and the month to come, my task to deal with those countries not in Phoenix or Eden. regardless however of your decisions regarding alliances and if you do become members of Eden, should you have any questions you can find me on IRC, #Ireland @ rizon.

Now, over the past few months various discussions have been raised over eIreland's neutrility, and a popular theme has been joining Eden. To do so requires a referendum, and approval from Dáil. Obviously every coin has two sides, there are obvious pro's and con's for joining an alliance. Yet again, I am not here to talk about that, because I'm sure many of you have heard a lot about it already. It is, however my understanding that to some extent the frequency and magnitude of the discussions have lowered since Dubhthaigh opened a poll through an ingame article.

Despite this however eIreland has signed an MPP with the USA. We have no interest in activating that MPP, we've activated MPP's with the USA before, and frankly we're having a ball dealing with the consequences, but still, one open battle with them is enough for the time being. None the less, your decision has created some discussion here in the eUK, and some of the naysayers may say or act slightly disgruntled. Which is why on behalf of the eUK government, I am here to say that it doesn't bother us. Who you MPP with, who you trade with, and who you side with is entirely your choice. We not only respect the troubles you can have being neutral, but we respect the large decision joining an alliance is and the troubles that can arise in the transition period from being neutral to joining an alliance. I'm not here to suggest you're moving towards an alliance however, merely to say that we know you don't have hostile intent towards the eUK, and that the eUK doesn't have hostile feelings towards eIreland. Regardless of what decisions you make, we will still like you, our two countries for as long as I can remember, have always been friends, I for example remember when we granted an interest free loan to Ireland when your treasury was stolen. Acts like this have made our friendship, and so friends we shall stay.

On a personal note, I would like to mention the unique way in which the eUK can sympathise with discussions and decisions that will be going on in eIreland if not now than soon. Not too long ago, ATLANTIS collapsed when Sweden shattered what was a delicate alliance. After some hardcore debate (as hardcore as mass debating can get) we made the decision to join PEACE. A lot of the arguments that are being put forward in Dáil are sure to be similiar to those I would have been pitching in the House of Commons not too long ago. After our decision however, we were somewhat trolled and flamed constantly for a number of months. The eUK however recognises that this is a game, and why play a game if it isn't fun or interesting? Keeping eRep fun is great for nations to advance, and as I outline in my favourite article, war is one of the ways to do it.

Therefore, no matter what decision you make when it comes to alliances, and even if we find ourselves skirmishing each others borders, we hope not to view each other as enemies. More as rivals. We want our friendship to continue to flourish regardless of altercations between our countries, and we certainly hope you feel the same way.

Regards, Mr Woldy.