"Eat Food" Button

Day 1,001, 08:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

For those of you who have not noticed yet, there is a new feature. It is a little blue button to the left side of your screen called "Eat Food".

I've only had a wee chance to play with it this morning, but from what I have seen I like it!

It will allow you to eat multiple units of food up to 300 wellness per day. Now, I know I don't have to tell you how valuable that would be in a combat situation. Not to mention this would be a boon for the food industry, which makes me wish I had a food company right now.

As always there are potential downsides for someone somewhere. I have to wonder how this will effect the housing industry. I will have to do some calculations when I get the chance and see.

What are your thoughts on this new development?

Edana Savage