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Smell of freedom

33 2,318 jour, 17:39 Published in South Africa South Africa Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Greetings free people of eSA ( thnx to lazokrat ) !!!

We fought really hard in past few months and we finally manage to defet PTOers from brazil, poland, usa and makedonia. Thnx to lazokrat, south africa once again has tasted freedom. We will

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We will win!!!

45 2,314 jour, 10:14 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Let me say just this:

Yes, we wear all the same avatar, we are all in the same MU, we are all in the same political party, but we are united for 5 years, united with friendship and not by need like some. And that is the reason we will win.

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Story about account Tifonus

94 2,280 jour, 14:37 Published in South Africa South Africa Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello my friends,

It has been long time since i started playing this game ( almost 2 years ). I know some of you will say "ah, it's nothing i play this s**t 5 years" but for me 2 years is a big deal. I started playing because of my older [url=

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21 2,280 jour, 04:27 Published in South Africa South Africa Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

[18:45:02] Hi
[18:45:06] hi
[18:45:45] i had an idea
[18:46:00] why not have like a secret service?

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[Lazocracy] Barbarians Africa

96 2,202 jour, 13:27 Published in South Africa South Africa Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Greetings eSouth Africa!

In the past artical, we have declared our intentions. We want to make eSA stronger and much more respectable

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