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"A Manifesto for Change"

5 2,119 jour, 19:44 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Members of the PnPP,

As I write this, our party, the "grand old lady of NZ politics" as I have so affectionately termed her, is standing at a cross roads. en savoir plus »

"NZ Update- Ministry of Information"

16 2,117 jour, 19:16 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Greetings eKiwis,

I'm extremely proud to announce that after a much extended hiatus, the NZ Gov't weekly, the NZ Update has returned!.

It was with a great honor that I en savoir plus »

"We are all eKiwis!"

12 2,114 jour, 12:29 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

To all eKiwis,

I realize that our nation has gone through a rather trying time, with the recent whipe out by … en savoir plus »

"And the PnPP Endorses...CrusaderCarl"

12 2,112 jour, 22:31 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Well ladies and gentlemen, it's that most glorious times of year...Presidential elections! And this usually brings out a host of candidates and candidacy articles.
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"Need some help eNZ"

5 2,110 jour, 07:56 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello eKiwis,

Well a lot is suddenly happening in our tiny neck of the woods. From the recent natural enemy proposal … en savoir plus »