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Articles regarding foreign policy and eHistory, occasionally something else.

Around the world, day 2402

22 2,402 jour, 12:38 Published in Finland Finland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Hey! Hey guys! Have you been watching football lately? I have, all but two games so far. Highly recommending, most goal-rich and … en savoir plus »

Around the world, day 2395

23 2,395 jour, 13:31 Published in Finland Finland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Let's just cut the chase this week, because no one really enjoys these nonsense, trying-to-be-funny paragraphs. Waste of time, … en savoir plus »

Around the world, day 2388

11 2,388 jour, 13:27 Published in Finland Finland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

The sun is shining. That means I am to set myself laying horizontally, opening my laptop and starting to write an article while … en savoir plus »

USA and Sirius - the third perspective

25 2,385 jour, 13:33 Published in Finland Finland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Lately we've witnessed some intense drama: Sirius and the US decided to take different paths leading to a stormy encounter and a … en savoir plus »

Inside the Asgard HQ: five months of Asgardian foreign policy

33 2,336 jour, 12:48 Published in Finland Finland Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

April 6th marked for me the end of a five-month streak of continuously serving in the Asgard HQ: as the Supreme Commander, as a … en savoir plus »