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Henry Arundel for President [EN/TR]

47 1,256 jour, 22:16 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Here we go again, America. Presidential election time, and I’m back in it. I’d like to copy something from my article last month, about my name, just for those who don’t know.


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Lesson for new players: Newspaper Subscriptions

12 1,241 jour, 08:29 Published in USA USA Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

OK, you're new to eRepublik. You see these crazy categories. One is just for you, the new player! I'm going to explain one of these 'first steps' which you'll want to take.

How to subscribe to a newspaper

Every so often you'll see an

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Arundel for President

42 1,231 jour, 16:21 Published in USA USA

Election Day is upon us. The man who will lead the country for the next month has many obstacles ahead of him. I have been preparing to tackle them for some time now, and in my final article of this campaign, I want to address a few:

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

To provide for the common defense

38 1,229 jour, 11:06 Published in USA USA

Providing for the defense of our country is the most important duty a President has. In order to properly do this I need people who understand how the military works, how to coordinate with our allies, and how to manipulate the little bit of … en savoir plus »

Leadership, at home and abroad

24 1,227 jour, 20:57 Published in USA USA

As I stated before, a President’s ability to trust his staff is paramount. With this in mind I sat down to run through the short list of people I felt were qualified to be my Chief of Staff. I needed someone who had the knowledge of how the

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