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Closing up on the Second International eRepublik Meeting

59 1,659 jour, 07:01 Published in China China Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


"Gathered under the same

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[The positive project] aniujual

41 1,631 jour, 23:36 Published in China China Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

English version:

It's a Romanian project in which you say something nice about some cool guy and then you pass it on to him for him to say something nice about another cool guy. This happens over and over again until there are no more cool … en savoir plus »

The sums involved and strength math behind the Q3 Training Grounds

43 1,618 jour, 03:10 Published in China China Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Everybody is freaking out because of the new Q3 Training Ground upgrades. It means more income for admins but it also has an upside for the players, even the relatively poor ones.

Edit for the lazy ones : On the long run it's cheaper

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Second International eRepublik Meeting | 6-8 July in Timisoara, Romania

146 1,596 jour, 01:40 Published in China China Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


"Gathered under the same
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Ave, Fraternitas, morituri te salutant!

30 1,584 jour, 13:13 Published in Croatia Croatia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

It might be the end, it might be another beginning or it might be a spec of dust in the wind, the enemies might be strong and many, it might be the rebirth of EDEN or the death of this name, many have made mistakes, became inactive, ignorant or en savoir plus »