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Some idiot rambling about things he doesn't understand.

Wot I Think

2 2,697 jour, 16:45 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So I've been noticing that my beloved eCan-Can has become a major wangst-fest recently, what with a bunch of people writing articles just to complain about how eRep has degraded and Plato is a money-grubbing cockwallaby and how they're leaving for

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Hey, who let this guy in?

5 2,686 jour, 14:59 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello, eCanucks and other, inferior beings! After a long absence due to real-life issues, (Being a lazy moron isn't a "real-life issue", Isaac.) I am finally back. Because I've never written an eNews article (Or a real news article, for that

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