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eEgypt, is time to rise up!!

44 2,263 jour, 10:35 Published in Egypt Egypt Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Someone still believe that Catalgipcians doesn't want to erase egyptians from this game when Naboal, a heavyweight of the catalgipcian officialism, has wrote this on his newspaper???

Com que efectivament NO hi ha risc de perill de TO en en savoir plus »

Be careful! The thieves are going to act again

58 2,246 jour, 04:00 Published in Egypt Egypt Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Catalgiptians, that curse cast of people who impose us a dictatorial racist regime where people only can live in Egypt if they're catalans in the Real World, want to Take Over a party in order to keep the control of all the country.

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People of eEgypt, Welcome to cooperativism!

21 2,199 jour, 05:18 Published in Egypt Egypt Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

¡Hello people!

A long time ago, there was in Spain a left-wing party called "Bloque Obrero Internacionalista (BOI)" which means "Internationalist Workers Block".

That party created the most important cooperative of the New World and I got the

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[CAST|CAT|ENG] Este verano, ven a la EPCCeFeF. ¡El inicio de tu curación!

32 2,087 jour, 08:58 Published in Egypt Egypt Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Hoy me voy a poner serio. En este juego, erepublik, así como en la VR la sociedad cierra sus ojos y prefiere no ver un problema que azota a nuestros congéneres humanos.

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

[CAST|ESPRT] ¿Sabéis que un muerto no puede morir?

47 2,082 jour, 16:28 Published in Egypt Egypt Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

De los grandes acontecimiento en erepublik se entera uno siempre por las noticias. O al menos esa era mi eVida hasta que decidí meterme en el mundo tramero erepublikano, maravilloso donde los haya.

El caso es que estaba en plan pasota total del

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