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Dövlet bize bahmiyi (Dikkat,bu makale bir sorular bütünüdür)

19 2,799 jour, 15:57 Published in Turkey Turkey Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yıllardır başımızın etini yer bu terör sorunu.93 den beri toplamda 13 bine yakın şehit verdik (5 bin küsür erbaş ve er,6 bin sivil,1.500 küsür korucu ve polisler).Teröre harcanan para 350 milyar dolar oldu (16 Sinop Nükleer Santrali, 11 GAP, 87 Atatü

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Welcome to my eWorld Tour!!! 6th Station ; IRELAND!!!

8 2,798 jour, 04:28 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello guys.
At my last article,i talked about my "half-farewell".I mean i retired from politics and rest.Before leave the game, i will visit eCountries which "I LOVE"

And here is IRELAND!!!


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Ermeni Meselesi Üzerine

9 2,711 jour, 13:47 Published in Turkey Turkey Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Öncelikle küçüklerimin bayramı ve ulusal egemenliğimizin günü kutlu olsun,daha sonra da tüm sevdiklerimin Kandili Mübarek olsun.
1-2 birşey karalamaya karar verdim yine.Birincisi Çocuk meselesi.Bugün onların bayramı,onların mutluluğu için uğraşıldı

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Welcome to my eWorld Tour!!! 5th Station ; GREECE!!!

52 2,702 jour, 12:05 Published in Greece Greece Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

"ATTENTION THIS ARTICLE IS NOT FOR Spartan Total Warrior,Nik7deputa,Aristomaxos and others like them."

Hello guys.
At my last article,i talked about my "half-farewell".I mean i retired from politics and decide to leave game.Before leave the

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Welcome to my eWorld Tour!!! 4th Station ; CHILE!!!

31 2,656 jour, 09:50 Published in Chile Chile Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello guys.
At my last article,i talked about my "half-farewell".I mean i retired from politics and decide to leave game.Before leave the game, i will visit eCountries which "I LOVE"

And here is CHILE!!!!


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